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Job day: to get a job quickly there are solutions even without qualifications

Eiffage Energie: work-study recruitment to give people a chance even without a diploma


Rosanna Cabon, Recruitment Manager at Eiffage Énergie Systèmes (branch of the Eiffage group): “We are the branch dedicated to climate engineering and electrical engineering and we have 860 employees throughout the PACA region. We are recruiting 150 profiles ranging from CAP to Bac +5. To recruit work-study students, there are no prerequisites; during the first interview, we observe motivation, interpersonal skills as well as the presence of a coherent professional project in which they are involved. Mobility is important and we are recruiting in Marseille and Vitrolles. The first interview is the most important, the CV takes second place. We are organizing an open day on June 25, 26 and 27. »

DomusVi: VAE to access a qualification and a job


Audrey Salomez, caregiver and care referent at DomusVi, which is recruiting around twenty nursing homes in Marseille. “I work with residents who often suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s.” Its role is to maintain their cognitive and motor abilities. The company mainly recruits qualified caregivers and nurses, but also people without a diploma but with experience in nursing homes or elsewhere, who can follow a VAE to become a hospital service agent (ASH). Many people are hesitant to do a Validation of Prior Experience (VAE), but when they obtain it, they have access to a better salary and new hospital or childcare positions.”.

Intercontinental: Grooming defines new recruitment codes


Mathéo Guy, Human Resources Manager at the Intercontinental Hôtel-Dieu: “What differentiates us from other hotels in Marseille is that we are fortunate to be well located just behind the port and the town hall and also in a historic building since 2013. The hotel, which is one of four 5-star hotels in the city, has 194 rooms including 15 suites with a view of the Old Port. We recruit throughout the year and even more for the summer catering season: waiter, clerk, waiter, maître d’hôtel. We are looking for profiles who speak English if possible, and we have a preference for those who already have initial experience, but all types of profiles are eligible. As we are a luxury hotel, We apply specific grooming codes, which involve wearing professional attire, having hair tied up, and not having visible piercings and tattoos. »

CREPI celebrates 30 years of serving integration and atypical encounters with people far from employment


Guy Deprat, President of CREPI: “The members of CREPI are employers who recruit people who come from integration, who are far from employment or who do not have the codes and the network. This club was created 30 years ago by the construction group Eiffage and there are 16 in France. The CREPI Méditerranée is located at the Afpa in Marseille-Saint-Jérôme, which is symbolic because the Afpa is a major partner in all the actions we carry out. To access this club which is not closed, you have to be a company that feels committed, believe in the chance that you can give to people without experience or diploma, and be ready to meet these people via the devices and more or less fun activities during the year. CREPI organizes various activities and schemes to allow job seekers to meet recruiters and discover the business world: job forums (such as the CREPI Tour), sporting challenges, job rallies, visits businesses, etc. The club is open to any committed company that wishes to give a chance to people without experience or diploma. Because tEveryone has their place in the business world as long as motivation is present.

Afpa: work-study hires even without a diploma

Here are work-study job opportunities in different cities in the South region (Toulon, Marseille, Istres, Avignon, Gap and Nice) with Afpa in industry, construction and services.

Plumber heating, Building equipment electrician, Building and civil engineering works managerL, Air conditioning repairman, Climate comfort equipment installation technician, Building and civil engineering works manager,Tsenior building engineer, construction economics option, Building design technician in project drawing, Building quantity surveyor technician , Building maintenance agent, TIG welder coated electrode Or industrial welder assembler,Tindustrial user, Industrial maintenance technician, Senior systems and networks technician, Senior industrial maintenance technician, Industrial maintenance technician, IT support technician, IP network technician, Industrial pipefitter, Boilermaking Technician, Web and mobile web developer, etc..

Find out more about training and work-study contracts with Afpa: [email protected]


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