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Bonuses for the 2024 Olympics: soon a new day of strike at the SNCF?

Several SNCF unions signed an agreement with management on Tuesday June 4 concerning bonuses during the Olympics.

The CGT did not sign it, regretting “an unequal agreement” which does not concern all railway workers.

She does not rule out a new day of strike.

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Paris 2024 Olympic Games

An agreement validated… but not by the CGT. Several SNCF unions signed an agreement on Tuesday June 4 with management for the payment of a specific bonus to railway workers mobilized during the period of the Olympic (July 26-August 11) and Paralympic (August 28-September 8) Games in Paris. .

The latter will be able to receive up to 95 euros gross bonus per day, with a maximum ceiling of 1900 euros over the period. Sud-Rail, the CFDT-Cheminots and the Unsa-Ferroviaire, which represent the union majority, have given their agreement, but not the CGT-Cheminots.

The date “not determined”

According to this union, “very little” railway workers “will be genuinely affected by the maximum amount”, he laments in a press release. The CGT-Cheminots thus regrets “an unequal agreement” And “exclusion”. “This agreement only covers 30,000 railway workers in Île-de-France and 20,000 in the region. […] Regional railway workers, who do not have any Olympic or Paralympic sites on their territory, will not be entitled to compensation.” However, argues the union, “reinforcements will be sent to Île-de-France: this will mean fewer workers in the region to ensure summer production”.

Therefore, the CGT-Cheminots refuses to sign this agreement and promises “to challenge management again”. To the point of threatening a day of mobilization, after that of Tuesday May 21 that it had co-organized with Sud-Rail. “A lot of discontent on different subjects would justify a day of mobilization” of which “the date is not determined”thus entrusts the union to Figarocomments confirmed this Wednesday on TF1info.

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What about the Games period? In recent days, the general secretary of the CGT Sophie Binet has not ruled out social mobilizations during the Olympics. This time, it is rather the unemployment insurance reform desired by the government which is in its sights. “If they decide to go on strike because the month of work during the Games no longer allows them to survive, because behind them, they no longer have access to unemployment benefit because of the government reform, I I’m not going to prove them wrong.”, she declared on France Inter. The tone is set.



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