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Let’s act now: build a resilient Quebec

Today, as we celebrate the 52e World Environment Day, we are invited to think more intensely about the environmental issues that weigh on our planet and our province.

Posted at 6:00 a.m.

Alain Fortin

Senior Vice-President, Intact Insurance, Quebec

Since its creation in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly, this day has left its mark with its call to action to protect our environment. But, 52 years later, it is clear that the challenges are increasingly pressing.

Extreme weather events, such as forest fires, floods and heatwaves, are increasing with increased intensity.

With warming progressing at double the global average, Canada, and particularly Quebec, is on the front line of these climatic upheavals.

With 15 million hectares burned, 2023 is among the worst in terms of natural disasters. These numbers are not just statistics; they represent a daily reality for many of us. We didn’t have a significant winter this year and the fire season started earlier than ever. These phenomena are not passing anomalies, but indicators of a new climatic norm.

Faced with this emergency, it is imperative to rethink our approach collectively. So far, our efforts as a society have primarily focused on reducing greenhouse gases (called climate change mitigation), such as developing renewable energy. While these steps remain crucial, they are only half of the solution.

The other half is adaptation.

Talking about adaptation means recognizing that certain effects of climate change are now here for good and that we must prepare our society to face them by taking preventive measures.

Indeed, for every dollar spent today on adaptation measures, $13 to $15 will be recovered in the years to come in direct and indirect savings and benefits.

It starts in our homes and neighborhoods. Everyone can start with simple actions, by cleaning their gutters or improving the insulation and waterproofing of their house. Gradually, we can take greater action by correcting the grading to direct water away from the foundation or installing a heat pump or air conditioning system.

By taking these steps, we not only face the impending challenges, but we also help build a society that is not only aware, but proactive about the realities of climate change.

Don’t leave the future to chance

On this day dedicated to our planet, let us commit to not leaving our future to chance. Time is running out, and nature will not wait for us. We all have a role to play in building a more resilient Quebec and it is time to get involved.

Moreover, it will be interesting to see how the government will implement the recommendations presented in the report of the Panel of Experts on Adaptation to Climate Change, Act today so that Quebec adapts to the reality of accelerating climate change1which was just released on May 28.

Resources are available to help us take action. For example, the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction2 and FireSmart Canada3 offer free infographics and informative resources intended to guide and facilitate the adoption of prevention measures in your daily life.

Together, let’s transform our society to meet climate challenges today, thus ensuring the well-being of future generations.

1. Consult the report of the Panel of Experts on Adaptation to Climate Change

2. Visit the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Prevention website

3. Visit the FireSmart Canada website

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