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white phosphorus bombs used by the IDF in South Lebanon

Since October 8, 2023, after Hezbollah sent its first rockets into Israel, the IDF has bombarded southern and eastern Lebanon with, in some cases, munitions loaded with white phosphorous. In any case, this is what the NGOs Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International say. The Jewish state denies any use of this type of ammunition which would make Israel guilty of war crimes. Report from the Lebanese-Israeli border.

In a few days, it will be exactly eight months since Hassan and his family left their land. He perfectly remembers that day when everything changed, changing his status from farmer to that of refugee, displaced person, but above all to that of survivor. On this day of October 14, 2023, the olive harvest was in full swing. Hassan and his family were quick to uncover his thousand olive trees spread over his five hectares. The income from this harvest was to ensure a few months of survival in the south of Lebanon affected by an unprecedented economic crisis.

The farmer was scratching his hands on the thorns of his trees when several heavy explosions took his breath away. In a few seconds, long white tentacles with burning ends appeared in the sky. The trails of smoke quickly passed before his eyes, before falling silently on his village of Meiss El Jabal, barely a kilometer from the border with Israel.


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