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Gironde: what we know about the road accident which killed four young people

A dramatic road accident and questions still unanswered. Three days after the road accident which cost the lives of three young men aged 19 to 20 and a 16-year-old minor in Libourne (Gironde), the public prosecutor Loïs Raschel revealed several elements about the evening of the tragedy .

Less than twenty minutes before leaving the road, at 2:13 a.m., five young people who were driving a Renault Modus stopped at a service station in Saint-Seurin-sur-l’Isle, about twenty kilometers away. north of Libourne.

An altercation with another driver?

Another motorist, driving a Renault Laguna, was on site filling himself with petrol. According to the images extracted from the video surveillance, the driver of the Modus spoke to this motorist without us knowing the content of their discussion.

Barely two minutes later, at 2:15 a.m., the Renault Laguna left the gas station. The young people in the Modus then started “abruptly with a car door still open” before following him closely according to the prosecution.

What amounts to a “very high speed” chase towards Libourne lasted nearly 20 minutes. For a reason still unknown, the driver of the Modus then hit a tree on the shoulder in a straight portion of the D1089 departmental road.

Two police custody lifted

These young people were all from the department. Three of them died at the scene of the accident. The minor died of his injuries in hospital on Sunday morning. A fifth person who was in the car suffered numerous fractures but his vital prognosis was not in jeopardy, according to the prosecutor.

The investigation opened for manslaughter and entrusted to the Libourne gendarmerie continues. Police custody of two people has been lifted.

The mother of the deceased miner confided her “immense sadness” to France Bleu. “The whole world is falling apart for me,” says this mother of five children. According to her, her son, whose best friend also died in the accident, had spent Saturday evening with his friends before hitting the road. A psychological unit was opened at the town hall of Peintures, the town where the minor comes from.


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