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CIA chief expected in Qatar to obtain agreement on Gaza

CIA Director William Burns and a White House special adviser are expected in the Middle East on Wednesday to try to rally support for the latest ceasefire proposal between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. . Follow live developments in the situation in the Middle East.

  • 7:41 a.m.: Nine Israeli soldiers injured in munitions explosion on base, army says

Nine Israeli soldiers were injured Tuesday, two of them seriously, in the explosion of munitions on a military base in the south of the country, the Israeli army announced Wednesday, which launched an investigation into the matter.

“There was an explosion of munitions at a military base in the south of the country. The incident is under investigation,” the Israeli army said in a brief message in Hebrew, reporting nine injuries including two “seriously”.

According to the Israeli press, the explosion took place on a base located in the Negev desert, a vast region which partly faces the Gaza Strip.

  • 6:01 a.m.: Human Rights Watch points to Israel’s widespread use of white phosphorus that ‘endangers civilians’

“Israel’s widespread use of white phosphorus in southern Lebanon puts civilians at risk and contributes to the displacement of civilians,” Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report released Wednesday.

“We are waiting for a response from Hamas” through Qatari mediators, said Jake Sullivan.

With AFP

Read more on FRANCE 24

Also read:
Hamas accuses Israel of seeking to negotiate “indefinitely”
Israel bombs the Gaza Strip from north to south, the truce is long overdue
Slovenia in turn recognizes the State of Palestine


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