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World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

This Saturday, June 1, 2024 on the Moca regional site, vice-president Lorraine Nativel, represented the Region during the World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, organized by the Council for Culture and Education and the environment of Reunion Island “Kermazinaz nout zansèt, zistoir la Rényon: the imagination of the ancestors, tales and legends of Reunion Island”. We publish below the Facebook post of the Réunion Region (Photo: Réunion Region)

The cultural diversity of Reunion Island is a wealth. Culture in the Indian Ocean must be known, protected and valued. As a heritage, it must be transmitted from generation to generation while adapting to the social changes of the modern world.

“Our oral tales draw their roots from the ancient tradition of oral transmission, where stories were told from generation to generation to entertain, educate and transmit knowledge and values. Sometimes ancestral fears too, but also the hopes of a better future! Our Larényon zistwar are imbued with wonder, mystery, poetry, reflecting the harmonious blend of Malagasy, African, Indian, Chinese and European traditions which make up the unique character of our territory Beyond entertainment, zistoir narration. in Reunion also has an educational and identity dimension. This living and dynamic practice embodies the richness and cultural diversity of the island, promoting intercultural exchanges, mutual respect but also the promotion of local traditions” declares Lorraine Nativel.

News from Reunion Island, world day of cultural diversity for dialogue and development


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