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At Saint-Gobain Glass, thermal comfort solutions

As summer approaches, Saint-Gobain Glass highlights its thermal comfort solutions. Its Eclaz range includes three glazings with complementary functionalities. Depending on the model, we note a reduction in the overheating period, protection against the cold, all while promoting the provision of natural light.

It is a significant subject in a context of climate instability and energy poverty: thermal comfort. So, to remedy this, we often look at the building envelope, namely the insulation of the walls and roofs, but also that of the joinery.

Now, of course, for windows and bays, the frame is important. But “ we often forget, and carpenters in particular, to talk about the element which represents 70% to 80%, depending on the type of frame used, the surface of the window: the glazing. While it has an impact (…) on energy savings (…) and on [le] comfort in winter and summer », underlines Bruno Mauvernay, Sales and Marketing Director of Saint-Gobain Glass.

It is in the light of these observations that Saint-Gobain Glass revealed its Eclaz range at the Batimat 2022 show.

Three additional glazings

Marketed in January 2023, the Eclaz range includes three glazing units, with additional features:

  • Eclaz Sun, double glazing with reinforced thermal insulation for very exposed windows, large bay windows and verandas. Its solar control layer tends to maximize the entry of natural light, by reducing, during the summer, the period of overheating – above 26°C – in the home (-56%). In winter, its insulation protects from the cold. According to figures from Saint-Gobain Glass, the energy savings in heating and air conditioning generated by this solution are up to -10% in the North of France and -23% in the South of France. And this, compared to previous generation double glazing, that is to say before 2000.
  • Eclaz Lumidouble glazing the most transparent in the range “. It offers 83% light gain, or even +10% natural light gaincompared to old generation double glazing.
  • Eclaz Zen, a double – or even triple – glazing solution suitable for all facades. It is presented as a “ compromise » between solar protection and natural light. It presents -16% energy consumption and -34% in periods of overheating.

All of these double-glazing units are compatible with the Oraé low-carbon substrate, as well as other additional options: the Stadip Protect system – which protects against the risk of injury, falling into the void, break-ins and vandalism -, Stapid Silence – for better acoustic insulation -, as well as Bioclean, aimed at limiting glazing maintenance.

Raising awareness among installers

If Saint-Gobain Glass has launched public communication to raise awareness among the general public, the role of the installer is important. “ We try to explain these concepts to them so that they can preach the good word to individuals. », Mentions Bruno Mauvernay on this subject.

This involves training Saint-Gobain Glass’s carpenter customers. “ There are already quite a few sessions that have been done but it is never enough. We must continue, we must re-explain », explains the Sales and Marketing Director of Saint-Gobain Glass. “ We are trying to democratize the use of these products, because in France, typically, this was not the case. Moreover, one thing that is very surprising: we sell more glazing and solar controls in Sweden or Norway. », he adds.

But what about the price of the product, an important criterion as inflation hampers construction and renovation projects? According to Mr. Mauvernay’s estimates, standard glazing accounts for 10% of the price of joinery, whereas that of an Eclaz Sun and an Eclaz Zen takes up between 11 and 13%.. “ Knowing that my windows, I install them for at least 20 years », Underlines the person concerned.

Virginie Kroun
Photo de Une: Saint-Gobain Glass


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