DayFR Euro

relive the last televised confrontation between the main leaders of the list – Libération

On immigration, the left is united. Unsurprisingly, on immigration, the left-right divide operates. First to respond on the subject, Raphael Glucksmann, who defends a federal leap, therefore more Europe, deplores the absence of a European migration policy and calls for harmonized reception criteria, “to put an end to the chaos linked to the absence of European rules”. “You have to tell the French that you want to control their cars at the borders”calls out Marie Toussaint when Jordan Bardella responds in turn. “It’s not about welcoming everyone”defends the green candidate, who also calls for more solidarity with Italy and Greece and immigration routes for “Afghan women” For example. Characterizing Bardella as “fascist”Toussaint is supported by Manon Aubry: “your party was created by former Waffen SS”.

After recalling the origins of the FN then RN, the rebel then denounces “demagoguery” from each other on the migration issue. “A shallot race” on the number of borders to be put in place at the request of the right and the extreme right. According to her, the subject deserves “dignity” and of “humanity”better coordination between States and focus “on the causes of migration”. “When you leave your territory, it means you have no other choice”she believes.


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