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Russia would have experienced its deadliest day with 1,270 soldiers killed

Russia experienced its deadliest day in Ukraine, according to the kyiv General Staff. More than 27 months after the start of the invasion, Vladimir Putin’s army would have lost 1,270 soldiers between Sunday June 2 and Monday June 3, 2024, reports the New York Post . An impressive toll which would bring the number of Russians dead in Ukraine to 511,000 since February 24, 2022, according to the latest count published Monday June 3 by the general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces.

The Ukrainian authorities also estimate the number of tanks lost by the Russian army during these 24 hours at 14. 22 armored personnel carriers and 47 artillery pieces were also destroyed.

In a recent statement, the British Ministry of Defense estimated the average number of Russian soldiers killed daily during the month of May at 1,200, i.e. the number “the highest since the start of the war”.

“Limited training”

This observed increase in the number of victims is, however, not surprising. Fighting has intensified in Ukraine since the last Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region. The number of deaths could also be explained by a lack of training of soldiers. “It is very likely that most Russian forces receive only limited training and will not be able to carry out complex offensive operations”declared the British ministry on this subject.

“The need to continually replenish frontline personnel will almost certainly continue to limit Russia’s ability to create higher capacity units”added the British government in its press release.

For the sake of propaganda, Moscow has been content to boast of its military advances in the region in recent weeks. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov also declared, during a speech on Tuesday, that Russian forces have not ruled out hitting French instructors who could be sent to the front.


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