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Death of four young people in Libourne: we know more about the circumstances of the accident


Juliette Cardinale

Published on

June 4, 2024 at 12:34 p.m.

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This Tuesday, June 4, 2024, we know a little more about the terrible accident which left four dead and one injured during the night from Saturday to Sunday in Libourne. The driver of the damaged car was said to have initiated a chase after a quarrel at a gas station.

A dramatic accident

Sunday around 2:30 a.m., on the D 1089, three young people aged 19 died after their vehicle ended its journey by hitting a tree. Evacuated to Bordeaux hospital, the youngest passenger died in the morning. He was 16 years old.

A fifth person was on board the vehicle, a Renault Modus. Aged 19, he suffered from numerous fractures but his vital prognosis is not committed.

The investigation was quickly opened and entrusted to the community of brigades (COB) of Libourne with the assistance of the research brigade (BR) of the commune. Two people had were placed in police custody Sunday June 2, recalls the Libourne prosecutor’s office in a press release.

Video surveillance images

The police went back to the Saint-Seurin-sur-l’Isle gas station, where the images taken from video surveillance provide some elements.

The victims stopped at the Saint-Seurin-sur-l’Isle gas station at 2:13 a.m. On the scene for a few minutes, the driver of a Renault Laguna was filling up with gas when the driver of the Modus stopped him.

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“At 2:15 a.m., the driver of the Renault Laguna vehicle left the service station, closely followed by the Renault Modus vehicle, which suddenly took off with a car door still open »explains the Libourne prosecutor.

The two cars set off “at very high speed towards Libourne for almost 20 minutes,” continues the prosecution. It was in a straight section of the D 1089 that the driver of the Modus hit a tree on the shoulder in an “extremely violent” impact.

“The police guards have been lifted. Investigations are continuing actively in order to determine the role and the responsibilities of each person,” concludes the prosecution.

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