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A petition launched for more transparency from the Order of Architects

The National Union of French Unions of Architects (UNSFA) recently launched a petition demanding more transparency on the budget and projects of the Order of Architects. What was the trigger for launching this petition and what are the concrete demands of the Union of Architects? Elements of answers with Franck Durand, national secretary of the UNSFA.

What prompted you to start this petition?

Frank Durand : The trigger that pushed us to launch this petition dates back to March 11, when the elections for the regional councils of the Order of Architects closed. Two days later, all the architects received the contribution reminder. This included significant structural changes which had been implemented without the slightest consultation, whether with the profession or the unions. The Order’s budget increases every year, so we are entitled to ask the following question: to the extent that the budget increases, why does the contribution not decrease?

And through it, what does the National Union of French Architects’ Unions wish to achieve?

FD : For us, the problem is not so much the increase in contributions, but rather know if its price justifies the services that are provided behind it. There is therefore a real demand for transparency. We want to be able to know the budget breakdown, with on the one hand, everything related to the ordinal missions of the Order, in other words, all the basic missions entrusted to them by law. And on the other hand, everything related to communication, awareness-raising, lobbying, etc.

We just want to know where the money is going. Is the majority really dedicated to services provided to architects? Or is it more dedicated to communication, awareness-raising or regional orders? Today, we are not able to do this breakdown.

Is the petition the only action you have put in place?

FD : We also sent the Order of Architects a blank table with different lines which correspond to a desired budget breakdown. This request was sent to the Order on May 8 and the deadline was set for May 31.

After this deadline, if we did not receive any feedback from the Order, the table would be published officially, thus revealing most of our requests for which, unfortunately, we have not had the slightest response.

And in the event of a return, we will take the time to analyze it. We will then have to sit down collectively and say to ourselves: does this breakdown suit us, do we want to continue in this direction? ? Today we are in a difficult period for architects, so we are entitled to consider that everyone has a say regarding these expenses.

For the UNSFA, what should the Order’s budget be devoted to as a priority?

FD : For us, representatives of field architects, priority must be placed on service. That is to say, on everything that is likely to make their lives easier, but also to resolve the various problems they may encounter. We also hope that big efforts will be made in terms of communication and awareness..

What responses did you get from the Order when you communicated your requests to it?

FD : When the petition was launched, we received feedback both from the media and from the Order. The president of the Order, Christine Leconte, told us that there was no subject. Bulk, “Move along, nothing to see”.

The petition worked very well sincewe collected around 3,500 signatures. We are nearly 30,000 architects in France, there are therefore approximately 10% of signatories. After seeing the success of the petition, the attitude of the Order changed somewhat. We were also given the information that the Order had started work on the ventilation table.

Do you think there will be a before and after this petition?

FD : I think we have awakened something in the profession. The signatories announcea feeling of disconnection between the Order and the architects on the ground. The fact of having succeeded in raising awareness and ensuring that people, quote, move to defend and make their difficulties known, is a success in itself.

The UNSFA will not let up the pressure on the Order, whatever actions it takes. We do all this in a constructive approach, we are not into reproach or injunction. The idea is not to obtain a victory for the UNSFA, but truly to fight for the interests of the profession.

Comments collected by Jérémy Leduc

Photo de Une: Adobe Stock


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