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Five coffins placed at the foot of the Eiffel Tower: what we know

IThey were only covered with a French flag with a banner bearing the inscription “French soldiers died in Ukraine”. This Saturday, June 1, five coffins were suddenly placed at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, on the Quai Jacques Chirac, indicate our colleagues from The voice of the North.

It was employees of the monument who made the discovery, - learned this Sunday June 2 from a police Source. Three men were arrested and taken into police custody. For the moment, we do not know precisely their motivations. Two of them were about to take a bus to Germany when they were arrested. In Paris, the coffins contained bags of plaster.

A link with the “Red Hands”

One of the arrested had a link with a protagonist in the affair of the “Red Hands” sprayed on the Shoah Memorial in Paris, we learned on Monday from a police Source.

The exploitation of the telephone of the driver of the van which transported the coffins demonstrated a link with a man of Bulgarian nationality, who had been “identified” by the investigators in the case of the tags on the Shoah Memorial in mid-May, said this Source.

Recall of facts

“This morning around 9 a.m., near the Eiffel Tower, three individuals placed 5 full-size coffins covered with a French flag on the public highway, with mention of French soldiers who died in Ukraine,” a police Source told Le Parisien. . The police quickly tracked down the three suspects by viewing video surveillance images, where they can be seen getting out of a van and dropping off the coffins. the driver reportedly told the police that he had been paid 40 euros to drop off the individuals and their cargo, after arriving from Bulgaria the previous night. According to information from Le Parisien, those arrested are Bulgarian, Ukrainian and German.

An open investigation

Emmanuel Macron recently said he was ready to send French troops to Ukraine if the Russian army broke through the Ukrainian lines and if kyiv called for help. At the end of May, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army affirmed that France would “soon” send the first military instructors to Ukraine in order to train the troops. Do these latest announcements have a link with the action of these three individuals? An investigation is open.


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