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“It’s chance”, Michel has been winning for twenty-five years and has accumulated nearly 400,000 euros in winnings

“It’s Michel, it’s still Michel, it’s still Michel. » In the café where he validates his grids, no one asks the question anymore when a big win occurs. This ex-boss of a small carpentry company, who testified this Sunday for the TF1 show “Sept à quatre”, simply benefits from insolent luck.

Whether it’s when he plays Amigo, his favorite drawing game, or when he scratches a ticket, the wheel of fortune often turns in his favor, and it’s been this way for twenty-five years. “I already won 13,800 euros at the first Rapido,” confides the player with the salt-and-pepper beard. Then “three times 20,000 at Black Jack”, “once 100,000 and 125,000 last year”. “I have won more than 5,000 euros a dozen times,” he summarizes. The regular spends barely 30 to 40 euros per week but accumulates nearly 400,000 euros in earnings.

Neither whim nor reckless spending

A secret ? A martingale? “There’s no secret, it’s chance,” replies Michel, smiling. It sparks but never blazes. His most notable purchase was solar panels for 25,000 euros. Otherwise, with his wife Blandine, they put everything aside in case one of their five children loses their job. “We’ve never been spendthrift, it’s not in our temperament,” explains Blandine, who continues to clean. The couple also plays it safe.


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