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RTL Infos – World Bicycle Day: A new cycle section opened at Cents station

For World Bicycle Day, a new 815-meter section of the Cents-Hamm cycle route was inaugurated this Monday.

The new section of the PC27 cycle path runs alongside the railway tracks towards the Robert Schaffner (Irrgärtchen) roundabout and now provides the connection between Cents station and Scheedhaff. After years of discussions, work began in October 2023.

It is an important link in the PC27 cycle path which, once the other sections are completed, “will make it possible to link Luxembourg city to Stadtbredimus, or even the Moselle valley. The PC27 will pass through American and German military cemeteries, localities of Sandweiler, Moutfort and Bous, and will ensure access to the PC1 and PC3 cycle paths”, recalls the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works.

The non-profit organization ProVelo welcomes this new section, but missing links remain, as underlines Gust Muller, the former president of the LVI (Lëtzebuerger Vëlos-Initiativ) which became ProVelo. For example, the connection between Scheedhaff and the old Sandweiler station is still not completed, as is the connection between Polvermillen and Cents.

Ultimately, this route should extend eastwards to the Moselle. However, neither the Minister of Transport, Yuriko Backes, nor the Minister of the Environment, Serge Wilmes, wish to commit to a precise timetable. They hope to move forward quickly, but procedures must be followed. In addition, municipalities are also involved alongside ministries.

Currently, the national network of cycle paths in Luxembourg covers 770 kilometers, with a target of 950 kilometers in total. The passion of Luxembourgers for cycling is evident, as evidenced by the some 80,000 applications for bicycle subsidies received to date.


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