DayFR Euro

Tunisia – Tabarka: Arrest of six young people including two girls following the murder of a young Algerian

The investigating judge at the Court of First Instance of Jendouba authorized, on Sunday afternoon, the detention of six people, for a period of 48 hours, subject to extension, following the assassination of a young man today. today at dawn in one of the apartments allocated for rent in one of the towns in the region, according to what the public prosecutor at the region’s court of first instance explained to TAP.

He added that the public prosecutor authorized, late last night and early today Sunday, after having notified the crime, to open an investigation against a certain number of people and all those that the investigation could discover, in accordance with Chapters 201 and 202 of the Penal Code, which required that one of his assistants accompany him, in the early hours of Sunday morning, to be on site and inspect the crime scene and the corpse before the court-appointed judge authorizes a medical autopsy.

He underlined in the same press release that preliminary research undertaken by the Tabarka judicial police brigade and the medical report revealed that an argument at the top of the building, which occurred after an evening between a group of young men, was the cause. main reason that provoked the incident that led to the death of the victim, and among those arrested was the son of the owner of the apartment. According to initial research, two girls were also detained.


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