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Drug trafficker killed in Béziers: twist of events, two accomplices indicted for murder


Jean-Marc Aubert

Published on

June 2, 2024 at 9:58 p.m.

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And if the death was voluntary and not involuntary contrary to the first findings? Wednesday May 29, 2024 in the evening, an armed individual was struck and dragged for around thirty meters by the car driven by one of his four accomplices in front of a deal point in the city of Devèze, in Béziers, experiences legal proceedings.

With this twist: the facts initially aimed at involuntary homicide, but this Sunday evening, June 2, 2024, the public prosecutor of Béziers, Raphaël Balland reveals that the two accomplices are indicted for voluntary homicide. Did the driver therefore intentionally run over the victim?

This Sunday, June 2, the two occupants of the vehicle stolen in Roquebrun on Monday, May 27, who had been arrested and placed in police custody, were presented to the investigating magistrate seized by the Béziers Montpellier public prosecutor’s office. And following contradictory statements between them, they were indicted as heads of murderoforganized gang criminal association with intent to commit a crime and concealment of theft. They were placed in pre-trial detention in the evening.

“The investigations of the Montpellier judicial police of the organized crime division are now continuing on commission of request, under the direction of the investigating magistrate to identify all the protagonists and understand how the facts unfolded,” indicates Raphaël Ballandthe public prosecutor at the Béziers judicial court.

Crushed under a car

Wednesday May 29, shortly before 10 p.m., in the La Devèze district of Béziers, at the corner of rue Jacques Balmat and rue Jean Franco, an 18-year-old man was killed, crushed under a recently stolen vehicle whose occupants had ran away. The victim had been convicted several times, notably for drug offenses. He would live in Vaucluse.

A submachine gun had been discovered on the ground near the scene of the incident. Rapidly transporting to the site, Bac police officers from the Béziers police station arrested several hundred meters, on the public highway, two men likely to be involved in the facts.

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One living in Sorgues, in Vaucluse, the other in Sanary-sur-Mer, in Var are also already known to the courts for offenses against drug legislation. Investigations continue actively to identify and arrest their two accomplices.

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