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Why is dog gas smelly? A veterinarian reveals the answer

This is a question asked by many dog ​​owners who regularly notice an unpleasant odor. Additionally, their pet often shyly avoids their eye contact.

While it may seem easy to blame dog food for these smelly gases. Yet there are actually many reasons why dog ​​gas can be so intense. And, to the relief of many, most of these reasons are nothing to worry about.

Why is dog gas smelly? Vets reveal the answer

Most of the time, smelly gas is one of those inevitable things that happens when you own a dog. And this, even if sometimes allergies, intestinal parasites or a dog that devours its food too quickly may be to blame.

To understand why dogs produce smelly gas, veterinary expert Rebecca MacMillan explained what happens in their stomachs. But also why it happens and if there is anything owners can do to stop it.

Dog fumes

There are experiences that only those who own a dog know. However, the smelly gases are one of them. Here is veterinarian MacMillan’s response.

“Dogs produce gas as part of their normal digestion, just like humans,” she explains. “ This is due to the bacteria present in their intestines. These bacteria are essential for breaking down food into nutrients the body can use. But in doing so, they release certain by-products, including gases.”

Most gases are odorless in healthy animals. However, sometimes they give off a foul odor. Hydrogen sulfide is responsible for this characteristic odor and its excessive production can have several causes.

What causes flatulence in dogs?

Dog owners try to take serious care of their pets. They strive to feed them nutritious food and make sure they have good toys.

But what happens if the dog has a adequate diet and still gives off poor smell ? According to MacMillan, the dog’s diet and gut health may be to blame.

“If your dog’s food is difficult to digest, it will pass through the stomach and small intestine into the large intestine, where bacteria will have to break it down. Which will then create fermentation gases. This is why certain foods or diet changes can cause increased gas.”

Dogs with unhealthy gut due to illness are also more likely to produce more foul-smelling gas than other dogs. This is due to deficiencies in the way they process their food.

These animals will often benefit from a change in diet, in addition to medications prescribed by their veterinarian,” she added.

Five main causes of flatulence in dogs

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Dog Diet

“Diet can have a significant impact on flatulence in dogs. This is because certain foods or ingredients are more likely to cause gas because they are more difficult to digest,” says MacMillan.

Foods such as bread, dairy, peas, lentils and beans, including soy, can be particularly problematic.

Foods containing sulfur-containing amino acids, such as eggs, broccoli, cauliflower, and sprouts, are also likely to produce more odorous gas than usual. Sudden changes in diet can also cause more flatulence than usual.

Air swallowed

“Swallowing air (aerophagia) can cause increased gas in the digestive tract, that have to come out somewhere,” says Mr. MacMillan. This often happens when the dog eats too quickly.

Digestive disorders

“Digestive disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease or pancreatitis, can contribute to problems such as extra flatulence, as well as vomiting or diarrhea,” says MacMillan. In these cases, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

Food allergy

A food allergy can cause smelly gas. “If the dog has a sensitivity or allergy, this can lead to stomach problems, including excess gas,” explains the expert. A veterinarian can then perform a dietary test and recommend hypoallergenic diets.

Intestinal Parasites in Dogs

“Internal parasites such as intestinal worms, tapeworms or giardia can cause stomach problems, including flatulence.” Regular pest control can therefore help prevent these problems.

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How to Reduce Smelly Gas in Your Dog

Fortunately, there are several methods to reduce foul-smelling gas in dogs. First, look at your dog’s diet. A high-quality, balanced, easily digestible diet can make a big difference. Avoid foods high in fiber, soy and dairy. Instead, opt for animal proteins and vegetables that are easy to digest.

Next, try slowing down the speed at which your pet eats. bowls Specially designed to slow down food ingestion can help reduce the amount of air swallowed by your dog. Additionally, divide your meals into smaller, more frequent portions to aid digestion.

Additionally, consult your veterinarian to check your dog’s intestinal health. A probiotic may be necessary to rebalance the intestinal flora. Also make sure your pet is free of parasites and other gastrointestinal illnesses.

Finally, regular exercise can help improve digestion. Adequate physical activity stimulates intestinal transit and reduces gas.

When to take your dog to the vet

If the house is filled with the smell of foul gas on a daily basis and friends and family no longer want to visit, it may be time to have the dog examined.

The expert advises taking the dog to the veterinarian if the gas becomes excessive or if he shows other signs of stomach problems, such as vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite or weight changes.


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