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the Paris Sports Palace almost full for the speeches of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella

Gabriel Attal accepts his attacks against Raphaël Glucksmann and believes that the election is not a foregone conclusion

The Prime Minister was also questioned on France 3 about his attacks not only against the far right in this campaign, but also against the head of the PS-Place Publique list, Raphaël Glucksmann, trailing Valérie Hayer in the polls, then even though the latter had declared at the start of his campaign that the socialist MEP was voting “ at 80 to 90% » in common with the Renew group in Parliament.

Gabriel Attal responded that, on “the recognition of nuclear power in Europe, (…) Raphaël Glucksmann, like La France insoumise, opposed it”just as he opposed the European recovery plan or the pact on migration and asylum.

“Many French people are returning to this campaign”, then estimated the head of government, calling for mobilization on June 9 and refusing the predictions made in the polls for the candidate of the presidential camp, given far behind the National Rally. He added : “Obviously, we are fighting to win this election, but not for us, for the French. »

Gabriel Attal then dodged questions about the potential consequences for him in the event of failure of the list carried by Valérie Hayer on June 9, and his future in Matignon, hammering home the European issues of the ballot, in the face of the potential rise of the extreme right which could become a “blocking minority” in the European Parliament.

“It’s a European election, the one who is the guarantor of our institutions, who makes the choices, is the President of the Republic, and he indicated that it was a European election with European consequences”he said. “No one presented me as a weapon against anyone. The President of the Republic appointed me and he told me “I am appointing you because I want you to be able to take the right measures, to carry out reforms for the French”. And I fight” on agriculture, “for the return of authority”he argued.

“It’s a European election which has European consequences”he continued, quoting Emmanuel Macron. “What is at stake on June 9 is the future of France in Europe and (…) it is much more important than everything else”.

Finally, when asked about the events in New Caledonia, he acknowledged that “the situation[était] not back to normal.” In accordance with the announcement made earlier Sunday by the High Commission of the Republic, Gabriel Attal however assured that the European vote would be held on June 9 on the South Pacific island: “You have polling stations which will have to be moved, which took place in a school previously, which cannot be set up in the same place, but obviously, all the state services on site are at work (…). From the start of this crisis, we obviously anticipated the deadline of June 9, the fact that Caledonians should obviously, like all French people, be able to vote in the European elections. »


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