DayFR Euro

So much water in Nantes, Saint-Nazaire and La Roche-sur-Yon in May!

Summer is already here, meteorologically speaking at least, since it begins on June 1st. Does this mean that the clouds will finally let us go, in Loire-Atlantique and Vendée? Many people hope for it after a very rainy month of Maybuilding on the momentum of recent months.

113% more rain in La Roche-sur-Yon!

In Nantes, we have had 39% more precipitation than normal since the start of the year. 36% more in La Roche-sur-Yon, on average. And it was even worse in May, with 51% more precipitation for Nantes, 100% more in Saint-Nazaire and even 113% for La Roche-sur-Yon, according to reports from Info climat amateur meteorologists.

“Such quantities of rain for the month of May are exceptional”

“These amounts of rain are exceptional for the month of May”underlines meteorologist Steven Tual. “The same quantities are already above the normal for a winter month”. For the rest, that is to say in terms of temperatures and sunshine, we are however close to normal. “But, in recent years, we have become accustomed to having fairly dry winters and summer weather from spring”reminds the meteorologist. Climate change is making us lose our bearings and we have a perception of the seasons which is no longer necessarily the right one”.


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