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6 years ago, a storm of rare violence flooded the center

Around 4 p.m. on Sunday June 3, 2018, a storm hit the town of Morlaix (Finistère). In three hours, 37 mm of rain fell, compared to an average of 60 mm per month.

Météo France had placed 48 departments on orange vigilance, including Finistère.

In Morlaix (Finistère), the storm hit from 4 p.m. on June 3, 2018. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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In Morlaix (Finistère), the storm hit from 4 p.m. on June 3, 2018. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
48 departments had been placed on orange vigilance by Météo France, including Finistère. | DAVID ADÉMAS/ARCHIVES WEST-FRANCE
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48 departments had been placed on orange vigilance by Météo France, including Finistère. | DAVID ADÉMAS/ARCHIVES WEST-FRANCE
The flooded Place des Otages, in Morlaix (Finistère). | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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The flooded Place des Otages, in Morlaix (Finistère). | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

Water up to the waist

The sewers are starting to overflow. The mouths jump, while the Queffleuth and the Jarlot begin to get carried away. Flooding is inevitable.

The town center of Morlaix (Finistère) flooded in June 2018, seen from the viaduct. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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The town center of Morlaix (Finistère) flooded in June 2018, seen from the viaduct. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

The decision was made to cut off access to the city center and prohibit all traffic there. The same decision is taken on the RN12 expressway, between Saint-Martin and Sainte-Sève.

Rue de Paris, the co-manager of Carrefour Market testifies: We had water up to our waists. It goes through the walls on the other side, rue du Palais. It went up in half an hour, we couldn’t do anything. »

One meter of water on the first floor of the viaduct

Some adapted to the floods of June 3, 2018 in Morlaix (Finistère). | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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Some adapted to the floods of June 3, 2018 in Morlaix (Finistère). | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

Charlotte, a teenager, went to watch the scene from the first floor of the viaduct: “Even up there, we had water up to our knees. There must have been a good meter. »

The first floor of the Morlaix viaduct (Finistère) transformed into an aqueduct, after heavy rainfall in June 2018. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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The first floor of the Morlaix viaduct (Finistère) transformed into an aqueduct, after heavy rainfall in June 2018. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
Firefighters intervened nearly 250 times. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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Firefighters intervened nearly 250 times. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

Firefighters in backhoes

Firefighters come to help residents stuck at home… by backhoe loader. It was a homeless person, taking refuge on the kiosk, who alerted them.

Rue de Brest is one of the most affected. Like the Poan-Benn alley, where a car was swept into the river.

On the side of the locks, Christian, a Saint-Martin resident who came to help out in his son’s house, testifies: “It looked like a pond. »

The collapsed SNCF line

In Sainte-Sève, a torrent of water caused the platform to collapse under the rails. A car was also taken.

This collapse of the Morlaix-Roscoff line marked its end. Already in difficulty, it has never recovered since. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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This collapse of the Morlaix-Roscoff line marked its end. Already in difficulty, it has never recovered since. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
The town center of Morlaix (Finistère) under water at night. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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The town center of Morlaix (Finistère) under water at night. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

From Sunday evening, a crisis unit was set up. Agnès Le Brun, then LR (Les Républicains) mayor of Morlaix, expressed her concern: “For the moment, the priority is people and not goods. It keeps rising and we expect a peak at 11 p.m. »

The rains have stopped. Time for a slow decline. | WEST FRANCE
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The rains have stopped. Time for a slow decline. | WEST FRANCE

Firefighters intervened nearly 250 times for rescue or clearance and pumping operations.

The day after

The next day, it’s time to take stock and clean up. The mud from businesses and housing on the ground floor must be removed.

The convenience stores come to rue de Brest in Morlaix. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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The convenience stores come to rue de Brest in Morlaix. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
Flooding in the La Trinitaine store. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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Flooding in the La Trinitaine store. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
We scrape off the mud. | WEST FRANCE
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We scrape off the mud. | WEST FRANCE

The city center is reopened to traffic. But Mayor Agnès Le Brun strongly invites people to “do not circulate, otherwise we will not be able to clean properly”.

Cleaning in progress in stores. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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Cleaning in progress in stores. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
Same thing in this independent premises. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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Same thing in this independent premises. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
We are starting to see things more clearly… | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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We are starting to see things more clearly… | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

Beautiful solidarity on the Place des Otages. Greg, educator of the RCPM, Rugby club of the country of Morlaix, cooks the sausages and merguez for the traders and those who help. “Leclerc offered 100 baguettes, and the sausages-merguez are the remainder of Saturday’s tournament at the RCPM. »

In solidarity, Greg, from the Rugby club of the country of Morlaix, cooks the sausages and merguez. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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In solidarity, Greg, from the Rugby club of the country of Morlaix, cooks the sausages and merguez. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

Around 3 p.m., firefighters installed an anti-pollution boom at the port of Morlaix, after iridescence was observed, linked to the presence of hydrocarbons.

An anti-pollution dam at the port of Morlaix. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES
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An anti-pollution dam at the port of Morlaix. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

“The situation is under control”, indicated the mayor of Morlaix, on Monday, late in the afternoon. Around fifty businesses were affected by the floods, while around thirty people had to be relocated.


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