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On Google, Walloons and Brussels residents search more for Trump and Bardella than Magnette or Bouchez

Does the Belgian have a complex regarding his local politics? If we only refer to the number of searches made on Google by keyword over the last 30 days, it appears that international politics excites French speakers more than regional politics.

On the Google Trends tool, La Derniere Heure had fun comparing the evolution of the interest of Walloons and Brussels residents for the following searches: Jordan Bardella (president of the far-right French National Rally party), Donald Trump (former President of the United States), Vladimir Putin (President of the Russian Federation), Alexander De Croo (Prime Minister), Paul Magnette (president of the PS), Georges-Louis Bouchez (president of the MR), Bart De Wever (president of the N-VA) and Raoul Hedebouw (president of the PTB).

François De Smet responds to Paul Magnette: “DéFI in Wallonia wants to do exactly everything that the PS has failed to do for 40 or 50 years”

Over the period from April 30 to May 30, Donald Trump is far ahead of the others as the most sought-after personality, whether in the north or the south of the country, or even in the capital. The queries associated with these searches are “Trump guilty” and “Donald Trump trial”.

Jordan Bardella is the second most wanted on our list. We thus observed searches on his name on May 3, after a debate with the head of the European list Valérie Hayer (Renaissance). The research explosion took place on May 24 after his debate with French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.

To a lesser extent, Vladimir Putin interests the south of the country quite well.

On the podium of regional party presidents who most motivate Internet users to type their name in a search engine to either find out who he is or get his news, first there is Georges-Louis Bouchez, followed by Paul Magnette, Bart De Wever, Alexander De Croo and finally Raoul Hedebouw. If the liberal often comes up in the requests, its French-speaking counterparts only appear from May 17.

Fun fact: the top queries associated with the name Bouchez are “georges louis bouchez tattoo” and “julie taton”.


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