DayFR Euro

Who to take over the IT giant Atos?

We will soon know the name of the buyer of Atos. The IT group, former French digital flagship, has a debt of five billion euros. This Friday, May 31 is the deadline in this file. Atos, too big to file for bankruptcy (“too big to fail”) manages the IT systems of numerous French companies and administrations. Atos is at the heart of strategic activities such as the control of French nuclear power plants, certain defense systems or the organization of the Olympic Games. This is why its rescue and restructuring are of interest to the highest levels of the State.


Details from Camille Magnard

1 minute

Employees criticize the lack of transparency in the way this crucial decision for their future will be made. They say they were not taken into account at all, neither by the candidates for takeover, nor by the judicial administrators. The main union at Atos, the CFE-CGC, calls above all to avoid the dismantling of the group and this gives it a certain preference for one of the two takeover projects, as its France coordinator, Karine Dran, explains.


Karine Dran, CFE-CGC coordinator for France at Atos

59 sec

The announcement of the buyer could take place this Friday or in the coming days

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