DayFR Euro

Could the price of a packet of cigarettes increase to 25 euros? We explain this Senate recommendation to you

Bad news for smokers, the price of a pack of cigarettes is expected to continue to increase, so much so that it could reach 25 euros.

Every year, 75,000 people die prematurely and despite all the public health policies put in place, 12 million French people still smoke.

In this world no tobacco daya question remains: how can we encourage the French to quit smoking in a sustainable way?

New Zealand and Australian examples

The main lever envisaged is the impact on price. Indeed, according to the report of the Senate Social Affairs Committee, it is recommended to increase the price of tobacco by 5% per year until 2040.

With such an increase, the price of a pack of cigarettes could then reach 25 euros in 2040which is double its current price.

The senators based themselves on the examples of New Zealand and Australia where the packet of cigarettes already reaches this price and where a smoking ban for the youngest must come into force.

How is the price of a pack of cigarettes broken down in France?

How much goes to whom? With a paper worth more than 10 euros, it is important to know how this money is distributed. First of all there are 8.50 euros of indirect taxes, two euros of VAT, one euro for manufacturers and one euro for tobacconists.

The question of border countries with more attractive prices

Many people cross a border to bring back cheaper cartons of cigarettes. We know this phenomenon with Italy here in the Alpes-Maritimes but also with Spain which is another country with a land border with France and where the price of the package does not exceed 6 euros.

It is for this reason that this recommendation is denounced by tobacconists. Philippe Coy, president of the National Confederation of tobacconists: “I am simply outraged. We cannot imagine seeing a package come in at 25 euros when you have Spain which is still at 5.50 euros. How can we, when everywhere in the territory you can buy contraband tobacco?” he asks our colleagues from Europe 1.

Smuggling is a major problem in France: 27 tonnes of illegal tobacco were recently seized by customs.

However, the World Health Organization (WHO) remains convinced that price is the only effective lever for changing behavior.


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