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After his conviction, Trump denounces a “rigged trial” and returns to chaos – Libération

Counter attack

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During a press conference in New York this Friday, May 31, the billionaire and Republican candidate for the American presidential election strongly attacked the representatives of the justice system who found him guilty of 34 charges in the “Stormy Daniels” case.

A climate of brutal decompensation bathed the golden hall of Trump Tower on Friday, May 31, where ex-president and newly convicted Donald Trump summoned the press and the cameras for his first formal speech since the historic guilty verdict rendered the day before. , in the very first criminal trial of a former American president. It was also the first time that Trump gave a speech again in his New York stronghold since the announcement, nine years ago, of his entry into the political arena, following a raid on surrealist escalator and now inscribed in the history books. The scene had been mocked, at the time, for its staging orchestrated with extras paid 50 dollars to be there, its already ultra-aggressive and fictitious rhetoric, the absence of structure of a freewheeling statement where , already, the tycoon unleashed torrents of anti-migrant hatred, accused en masse of “rapists”. It had been quite successful for him.

In retrospect, the effect of contrast between the two scenes set in the same setting is in no way to the advantage of the man who has since spent four years in the White House, then three more at


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