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again sentenced to thirty years of criminal imprisonment

Loir-et-Cher Assize Court

More than a year has passed without the attitude in the box changing. Always the same “abject attitude, sneers” and this posture “narcissist, victim”was indignant Me Aude Gruninger-Gouzé, Friday October 25, 2024. The lawyer for the civil parties thus launched the third and final day of the appeal trial for the murder of Caroline D., killed at the tavern in Vallères (Indre-et-), on March 31, 2019.

His words visibly touched the jurors: “This has to stop and Caroline’s death has served a purpose. That this butcher in a three-piece suit can no longer touch a woman. » At the beginning of the afternoon, Franck Roubaie was sentenced to thirty years of criminal imprisonment, accompanied by two thirds of a security period (1).

“I am afraid for society, of the revenge it is mulling over”

Two and a half hours earlier, the accused had assured “think of family” and has “presented” ses « regrets ». Too little, too late. Especially at the end of the debates where, locked in his pride, the 72-year-old man painfully ended up admitting having worn “three shots” in this parking lot, on a spring Sunday. Far from the medico-legal conclusions which identified a “sixty blows” received by the victim, including twenty-five stab wounds.

“What was he doing at a dancing tavern with a 21cm knife?” said the attorney general, Luc Belan, quoting a witness: “He kicked the corpse twice and went to grab his jacket, as if nothing had happened. » Before continuing: “He is dangerous. I am afraid for society, of the revenge it is mulling over, of the permanent denial. »

” Possessive ” and still trying to ” to watch “ this ex-partner encountered by chance on the day of the events: the accused did not “not digested the separation” two years earlier, according to the public prosecutor.

Seeing her on the arm of another man in « on » tavern, he explained during the Touraine trial, unleashed a torrent of violence. “ He was still in love with her. He had this narcissistic flaw, this wound and we arrive at a decompensation of a 65 year old guy, whose life is nothing like what he had aspired to and seeing it is almost collapsing. When he meets her, it brings him back to his failures, it’s unbearable for him”tried to explain the defense lawyer, Me Abed Bendjador fils.

A third trial?

The black dress, at the cost of long speeches on “humanity” which should not be “to part with”acknowledged “excess” of his client, a sign of his “sincerity. Since he committed these acts, he cannot recognize them or become aware of them. Yet he says he is guilty. »

Faced with the requisitions of the attorney general, followed by the court, the lawyer nevertheless spoke out. “He wants to turn the prison into a cemetery. Just because he killed doesn't mean he has to die in prison. You must not commit one injustice to avenge another. »

The popular jury decided otherwise, causing a brief relief on the bench of the civil parties, tested by these Blesois debates. “I’m going to go to the court of cassation”assured the accused, opening the way to a third trial.

(1) More than five years of pre-trial detention have already been served.


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