DayFR Euro

against Saint-Germain-du-Puy, Romorantin won the right to hope

SO Romorantin: 3
Saint-Germain-du-Puy: 0

Romorantin initially had to beat Saint-Germain-du-Puy, to keep a chance of remaining. A first objective achieved after a large 3-0 victory. If the ranking gives Romorantin 10th and therefore relegable (three descents per group), Vincent Ruhnke, the SOR coach, provides his insight: “In the final ranking, by integrating the points into the fair-play coefficient, we are ahead of Preuilly and even Montgivray. In my opinion, we are in eighth place and we are holding steady. » Including action, but we will still have to wait for confirmation from the league after its general assembly on June 22.

Romorantin crosses his fingers

In Group A of R3 in which the SOR seems to have had a narrow escape, Villers, a team from Indre, is administratively demoted, which prompts Vincent Ruhnke to speak out on a point of regulation: “I find it scandalous that we allowed this team to distort the championship given that the demotion was pronounced from the start of the championship. In my opinion, in addition to Villers, only two teams should have gone down to our group. »

Contacted, the league confirmed that the team which would be saved due to the demotion of Villers would be on merit by establishing a classification of the teams concerned in the four groups and not in Group A alone. play and the great victory obtained against Saint-Germain-du-Puy, must validate the maintenance of the Solognot club.

A controlled match

This Sunday, May 26, the match was tense and each of the two opponents had the opportunity to score in the first period. Arthur Arias, the Solognot goalkeeper, did the job by winning his duel in front of Dacquin (17e) and he was saved by his post, from a corner taken too weakly by Soufiani (21e).

If Romorantin’s attackers lacked simplicity in their choices during the first period, Léo Begon would be responsible for breaking the deadlock. He first made two defenders spin before slipping the ball into a mouse hole out of Ongoiba’s reach (1-0, 52e).

Note that this first goal came just after another miraculous save from Arias in front of Thelineau (49e). Begon, still on the edge of offside, was going to give the final blow by doubling the lead (2-0, 70e). In added time, Mathéo Dos Santos added more depth to a victory which should allow SOR to return to R3 next season.

The sheet

Half time: 0-0.
Goals : Begon (52e, 70e), Dos Santos (90+3e).


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