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the bodies of three hostages, including a Frenchman, recovered

► The bodies of three hostages recovered by the Israeli army

The Israeli army announced on Friday May 24 that it had recovered the bodies of three hostages, including that of a Frenchman, Orion Hernandez Radoux, held in the Gaza Strip since the Hamas attack on Israeli soil on October 7.

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“The bodies of the hostages (Chanan) Yablonka (Israeli, Editor’s note), Michel Nisenbaum (Israeli-Brazilian, Editor’s note), and Franco-Mexican, Editor’s note) were recovered during the night during a joint operation” army and intelligence services in Jabalia, in northern Gaza, the army said in a statement.

► The operation of hospitals in danger due to lack of fuel

Israeli strikes continue in the Gaza Strip, with hospital sources reporting several injured in strikes on Deir al-Balah (center).

“A war is being waged against hospitals in the Gaza Strip”said Dr. Khalil Al-Darkan, spokesperson for Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah, warning that the facility’s activities could be interrupted due to a shortage of fuel.

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Since an Israeli ground offensive in early May on part of the town of Rafah and the takeover of the Palestinian side of the eponymous border crossing, the UN says it has noted a paralysis of fuel deliveries, essential to power hospital generators.

The civil defense of Gaza City (north) indicated Thursday that two airstrikes had killed 26 people, including 15 children. Sixteen of them were killed in a strike that hit their home, the other 10 in a bombing of a mosque and a school.

► Israel cuts the link between the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem and the Palestinians

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced that he had “decided to cut the link” between the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem and the Palestinians ” in response “ to the recent recognition by Madrid of the State of Palestine and to a “anti-Semitic call” of a Spanish minister.

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“I have decided to cut the link between the Spanish (diplomatic) representation in Israel and the Palestinians, and to prohibit the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem from providing services to the Palestinians in the West Bank”writes the head of diplomacy on the social network

Asked about the practical modalities of such a decision, the Israeli Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond.

► The Palestinian Authority on the verge of asphyxiation

The Palestinian Authority (PA) is on the verge of financial asphyxiation, the World Bank (WB) estimated in a report on Thursday, due to the complete drying up of its resource flows and a sharp recession in the economy. Palestinian economy, which further reduces tax revenues.

Recognition of the State of Palestine, a small piece of the big puzzle for peace

At the end of last year, the PA had a deficit of $682 million, or 3.9% of Palestinian GDP, and it is expected to almost double this year to reach $1.2 billion.

The cause is the significant drop in revenues collected by the Israeli government without being transferred to the PA as well as the strong anticipated recession of the Palestinian economy, which is expected to decline in a range between 6.5% and 9.4%. , estimates the WB.

The other major reason is the strong anticipated recession of the Palestinian economy, which is expected to decline in a range between 6.5% and 9.4%, estimates the international financial institution, stressing however that it is very difficult to make accurate projections.

► Netanyahu invited to address the US Congress “soon”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address ” Soon “ in the US Congress, the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, announced Thursday evening during a reception at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. According to him, it will be an expression “strong support” in the middle of the war in Gaza.

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This invitation was issued by the Republican opposition to President Joe Biden. No date has been proposed for the Israeli prime minister’s visit to Washington, who has yet to agree.


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