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Putin, Xi and the desire for world domination

Encouraged by the likely election of Donald Trump in the presidential elections, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are increasingly expressing their global ambitions.

Xi has just asked Chinese soldiers to prepare for war. Putin, for his part, has allowed himself various boasts about BRICS which, according to his plans, should soon supplant the global economic system put in place by the United States and some of its allies.

Added to this is increasingly racist and anti-Western Russian propaganda, with Russia magically removed from the West, to which it nevertheless belongs. This rhetoric is being echoed by a growing number of authoritarian countries, starting with China, North Korea and Iran.

Russian-Chinese terror

Xi and Putin, who rule by terror, are clearly increasingly inclined to use the same methods to conquer new territories.

Putin is toying with the possibility of using atomic weapons to subjugate countries around Russia.

Xi, in the tradition of Sun Zi, the best-known Chinese military strategist, rather seeks to increase Chinese military power to such an extent that eventually, no country will dare to oppose his wishes.

Russian-Chinese system

The ambitions of economic domination of China and Russia are becoming more and more concrete.

Putin, who is bringing together his BRICS partners tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in Russia, does not hesitate to announce the end of the supremacy of the American dollar and the establishment of a banking exchange system competing with SWIFT.

Clearly, US sanctions against Russia are accelerating the construction of a new global economic system dominated by the BRICS countries. BRICS, after being joined by Egypt and Iran, announces that it will consider applications from around thirty other countries.

Reinforced propaganda

One of the most disturbing aspects of this global domination to which China and Russia aspire is the anti-Western propaganda that they spread.

For example, the war that Israel is waging becomes an opportunity to reject outright the authority in matters of democracy of the United States and its allies. A gross exaggeration which is relayed on social networks with the blessing of Moscow, Beijing and Tehran.

Likewise, we learned in recent days of the arrest in of Kemi Seba. This Beninese Islamist racist campaigns for segregation between people with black skin and those with white skin. It overwhelms the former metropolises with all the ills from which their former colonies suffer.

But above all, Seba was released because he has a diplomatic passport issued by Niger. Niger, whose ruling military junta is a puppet of Russia.

Putin’s and Xi’s attacks on democracies are increasingly numerous, direct and confident. Unfortunately, many are still hesitant to recognize its scope.


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