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Rugby League – Aude: from Villegailhenc, the winners of the XIII d’Or are known!

Villegailhenc, in its multipurpose room, welcomed this Thursday evening, the large family of the 13th Aude.

The XIII Aude held its traditional ceremony and it was this Thursday evening, in Villegailhenc, the fourth edition. Serge Gélis, deputy general director of L’Indépendant, opened the XIII d’Or. He said to himself “proud and happy to be alongside Aude rugby league. L’Indépendant is the rugby league newspaper, which highlights the volunteers, the leaders, the players. You carry out remarkable work on a daily basis, you are actors of the territory, and we are delighted to be at your side”.

Villegailhenc is the land of rugby league par excellence, finalist of Elite 2 this season. A luxury host represented by its mayor, Michel Proust. Christian Raynaud, departmental advisor, is “happy that these trophies are organized here, in my canton. We are going to honor people and clubs who play this rugby league all year round which is at the origin of rugby, it must be remembered. Our desire is that of preserve our support for departmental rugby union as well as the clubs which are an important link in our territory. This evening is very useful.

Finally, Jacques Rodrigues, president of the departmental committee, and Bernard Authié, vice-president of the Aude committee and representative of the Occitanie league, “thanked the 18 nominees, the 6 winners, but you all won!”

All the photos in the Aude edition of L’Indépendant this Friday

The 2023-24 results

Referee: Yanis Ramel. Other nominees: Denis Montero and Nathan Denat.
Leader : Corbières XIII. Other nominees: Emilie Grand and Geoffrey Albertus.
Educator: Christophe Hugault. Other nominees: Stéphane Selles and Thibault Pécune.
Coach : Benjamin Gelis. Other nominees: Sébastien Guilhaumou and Gérard Barthelemy.
Female: Elisa Placide. Other nominees: Margot Sylvestre and Lily-May Rech.
Favorite: Nicolas Puyal. Other nominees: Mathieu Sanchez and Noé Sergent.


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