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At 60, this is how they dared to undertake and won everything

It is never too late to start: this is admirably proven by Pierre Chaplain, founder of the SITTE group, with exemplary success in the field of construction services. Here’s how he did it.

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A thunderous departure at 60

Pierre Chaplain embodies the typical example of the late entrepreneur whose journey inspires. The genesis of his entrepreneurial adventure dates back to the year he turned 59, when he was abruptly dismissed from his position as president of the construction services group ERI. Resilient and determined, Chaplain transformed this ordeal into a springboard. With his partner Jean-Baptiste Manca, he raised initial capital of one million euros and founded the SITTE group.

SITTE exceeds the most optimistic expectations. In just four years, the company has risen to the top, posting a turnover of more than 40 million euros for the year 2024 and employing 190 employees. The success is undeniable with an increase of more than 10 million euros in one year.

Knowing how to transform adversity into opportunity

When Pierre Chaplain was removed from the ERI at the age of 59, he felt this decision as a profound injustice. However, it is this brutal breakup that catalyzes his desire to bounce back. “I felt this as a profound injustice,” he confides. By responding to this challenge through entrepreneurship, he took advantage of his experience and his professional network to found SITTE, a group specializing in electricity, telecommunications, fiber optics and the maintenance of tertiary installations.

Chaplain does not shy away from any difficulty, choosing to buy companies often in critical situations to integrate them into his group. Bathelec, Pointsys Télécom, Metiss, and Clim5s are just a few examples of the acquired companies that now thrive under the SITTE banner.

Human relations at the heart of success

For Pierre Chaplain, the major asset of any company lies in its employees. “Men remain the primary element,” he says. He does not hesitate to call many of his former colleagues back to his side, convinced by his leadership and his vision. “It’s not just the Excel tables, there is above all the collective energy and the capacity released to manage to all move in the same direction,” he adds. Discernment, a quality that he considers often underestimated in managers, also plays a crucial role in the cohesion and success of his company.

Originally from Orne, near Bellême, Pierre Chaplain is also passionate about history and a great admirer of William the Conqueror, a French king who managed to conquer England in 1066. In his moments of relaxation, he likes to go to the restaurant “Chez Françoise”, under the Esplanade des Invalides, meet your colleagues there and maintain a friendly and productive working atmosphere.

The importance of expertise and relationships

Chaplain surrounds himself with hand-picked external consultants, true strategic support for his company. He underlines the importance of certain “relational keys” to overcome administrative or structural obstacles encountered in large companies. By calling on experts like Jean-Luc Cadeddu, renowned author and long-time friend, he guarantees efficient management adapted to contemporary challenges.

A model for senior entrepreneurs

The dazzling success of SITTE encourages many people in their sixties to launch into entrepreneurship. Interviewed on EntreprendreTV, Pierre Chaplain returns to the natural strengths of age: “At this age, unparalleled experience and a network allow you to take on a final challenge that is close to your heart, and can instill incredible energy! »

This entrepreneurial adventure demonstrates that age is not an obstacle but rather an asset. By combining experience, solid human relationships and discernment, it is possible to create an empire, even at the age of 60. The SITTE group, by its very name, invites us not to remain passive but to stand up and act.

Faced with this inspiring journey, one question arises: faced with your own challenges and aspirations, what will be your next big step?

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