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Lyon. TCL: “fire”, smoke, subways stopped: what happened this morning


Nicolas Zaugra

Published on

May 23, 2024 at 12:06 p.m.

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A “technical incident” caused a “major disruption” on the TCL metro network in the Lyon metropolis this Thursday, May 23, 2024.

A fire broke out on a wheel of a metro B train early in the morning, which caused a cascade of disruptions. The situation has returned to normal.

A “strong release of smoke” on a wheel of a metro train

Around 4:30 a.m. when metro line B opened, a fire started (a fire) was noted on the front wheel of an automatic train at Part-Dieu station in the 3rd arrondissement. A burnt smell spreads in the station located under the station and the shopping center.

“There is no fire in progress on a train of line B at Part-Dieu”, corrects Bruno Bernard, president of Sytral and the Métropole de Lyon, who rather mentions “a lot of smoke”.

“The problem occurred on a train which had just been put into commercial service. Upon arriving at Part-Dieu, a strong release of smoke occurred on one of the tires,” adds the elected official.

All metro lines affected this morning

“In agreement with the firefighters, the train and the PCC Métro were evacuated. The safety of users and our agents above all. »

The evacuation of the PC Métro located at Part-Dieu caused the interruption of all metro lines, A, B, C and D until at least 6 a.m., Keolis told news Lyon. The agents were able to return to their workstation around 6 a.m. this morning.

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Resumption of metro B traffic since 10:30 a.m.

The train on which the incident took place was traveling without passengers. It was towed to the maintenance depot and Keolis is currently unaware of the causes of this smoke release.

All infrastructure systems were checked at Part-Dieu station as well as the tracks between Gerland and Part-Dieu.

Metro B first resumed partial service between Saint-Genis-Laval Hôpitaux Sud and Stade de Gerland-Le LOU with the circulation of shuttle buses to serve the other stations. Traffic fully resumed around 10:30 a.m., concludes Keolis withnews Lyon.

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