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The murder of George Floyd by a police officer at the heart of a Hollywood film, “Daddy Changed the World”

May 25, 2020. The world discovers, horrified, the images of the death, in Minneapolis, of a black man, George Floyd, under the knee of an impassive white police officer despite his pleas, (“I can’t breathe”) , Derek Chauvin. All this for a $20 bill that a merchant considered counterfeit. The emotion is enormous and triggers riots on the theme “Black Lives Matter”.

Four years later, almost to the day, George Floyd’s family gave their consent for this murder (the police officer was sentenced to 21 years in prison) to become the subject of a film. Not only centered on these events, but which will evoke more broadly the life of the victim, who became the symbol of police brutality and racial injustice.

“The murder of George Floyd was a tragic and shameful moment in our country’s historyexplained a producer from Night Fox Entertainment. His story, although painful, deserves to be told.” “By telling the story of George Floyd and highlighting the injustices faced by marginalized communities, we hope to inspire change and create a better future for generations to come, adds a counterpart from 8 Queens. The legacy of George Floyd will not be forgotten. We’re excited for the world to see the real, jovial, loving George we know. This film will humanize him, embody the essence of his life, and hopefully reignite efforts to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. Now is the time for justice and equality for all. We need to make changes quickly. No other child should lose their father like Gianna experienced. We thank everyone who supported us and demonstrated. George’s legacy will be remembered through this film.”

No filming or release date has been communicated. But it will undoubtedly be an event that will cause a lot of noise.


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