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Gas: after making an important discovery, this African country wants to increase its production

In Egypt, Shell wants to intensify its activities to make new gas discoveries. The British oil and gas multinational had already discovered a new gas reservoir in the country at the end of 2023.

Building on this discovery, she announced future projects during a meeting with Tariq Al-Mulla, the Egyptian Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources, on Wednesday May 22.

Indeed, Tariq Al-Mulla received on Wednesday Cederic Kremers, vice-president of Shell International Company, and Dalia Al-Jabry, president of Shell Egypt, to discuss the company’s activities in Egypt and its future projects.

During the meeting, Mr. Al-Mulla praised Shell as a strategic partner of Egypt’s oil sector, highlighting its 110 years of successful operation in the country.

He congratulated the company on its recent significant discoveries at Mina-West and Khoufou.

Mr. Al-Mulla reiterated Egypt’s commitment to a sustainable development strategy by 2030 and highlighted ongoing efforts to achieve its goals and address challenges.

He also highlighted the importance of collaboration between the government and oil companies to boost the growth of the sector.

For his part, Kremers announced that Shell plans to intensify its activities in Egypt in light of its recent successes in gas exploration and development.

He highlighted the company’s commitment to increasing production, pumping in more investments and making new discoveries in the coming years.

Mr. Kremers also praised the efforts of Egyptian oil companies, particularly EGAS, for their successful collaboration with Shell.

He expressed gratitude for the Egyptian government’s support and reaffirmed Shell’s long-term commitment to the country.

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