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In Gironde, prices in supermarkets higher than the French average

A recent study by the NielsenIQ institute, revealed by Le Parisien, reveals an economic reality that weighs on the wallets of residents of Gironde: mass distribution prices are 1 to 5% higher than the French average.

In Gironde, prices in supermarkets are higher than the French average! If this price increase is not a total surprise, it does not remain one less significant. Compared to the national average, Gironde is placed in the upper bracket, although several other departments record even more marked increases.. Yvelines, Rhône, Haute-Savoie, Alpes-Maritimes, Var and Bouches-du-Rhône show prices above 5%. Worse still, in the capital and neighboring departments like Hauts-de-Seine and Val-de-Marne, supermarket prices exceed 10% above the national average.

Emmanuel Cannes, head of the distribution department at NielsenIQprovided explanations to the columns of Le Parisien on the factors influencing these price variations. Among these, competition between brands plays a determining role. In regions where competition is lessmass retail brands can afford to charge higher prices.

In Gironde, prices in supermarkets higher than the French average! – ©Le Parisien

The price of land is another crucial factor. In Gironde, particularly in attractive areas like Bordeaux, the high cost of land and commercial premises affects consumer prices. Finally, the purchasing power of residents also influences pricing policies. In departments where average incomes are higher, brands adjust their prices accordingly.

Faced with this situation, several avenues can be considered to try to moderate the impact on consumers. On the one hand, strengthening competition between brands by encouraging the establishment of new players could contribute to a drop in prices. On the other hand, local policies can play a role in facilitating access to less expensive land for local businesses.

Consumer education More economical and responsible purchasing practices are also essential. Consumer associations and awareness campaigns can help to better understand and control food and everyday consumption expenditure.

In conclusion, Gironde, with its mass distribution prices 1 to 5% higher than the national average, illustrates the economic challenges faced by many departments in France. If disparities exist, they are the result of complex and interconnected factors. For consumers, adaptation and the search for alternative solutions remain immediate responses to this economic reality.

Also read: Neya: the first personalized candle bar in Bordeaux!


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