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News – 04/10/2024

My Little Expo is back!

The only exhibition where children take their parents is back, from April 10 to May 15, at the Town Hall for a 4th colorful edition. After sculpture, painting and cinema, Ma Petite Expo will immerse visitors in a colorful adventure with a departure into the heart of primary colors, signature of the artist Piet Mondrian who died 80 years ago, to the thousand and one shades that we know today. From Van Gogh’s Sunflowers to Klein blue and the vaporous tutu of Renoir’s Dancer, the exhibition, designed as much for children as for their parents, promises to show you all the colors while making you discover or rediscover dozens of works of art. Throughout the visit, the scenography is created at the height of a child whose perception is clearly different from that of adults.

News – 03/7/2024

The new Puteaux Digital Pass

Your Puteaux Pass is evolving! From March 13, create or renew your Puteaux Pass in its digital version. Directly loaded onto your smartphone, this 2.0 pass gives you access to the many events and activities organized throughout the year in Puteaux! If you are from Puteo and are over 10 years old, go to one of the 7 distribution locations across the city with a valid identity document (CNI, passport, driving license) and proof of address less than 3 months old (telephone or electricity bill, rent receipt). With the digital Puteaux Pass, come and experience the best of Puteaux!

News – 4/03/2024

Tree charter: it grows in Puteaux!

Discover the Tree Charter put in place by the Municipality in 2021 in video! Objective: put trees back at the center of decisions about public space. Quentin Caussieu, project manager of the Green Spaces department, reveals to you in this series everything that Puteaux does for these living beings who make up the poetry of a city !Find the complete series on the Puteaux TV channel

News – 02/29/2024

The “Promenade Charles Havas” inaugurated

On the occasion of the inauguration of the Charles Havas promenade on the Dion-Bouton quay, the City also participated in the 90th birthday of Jacques Séguéla, father of French advertising, and vice-president of the Havas agency, established in Puteaux.

News – 02/12/2024

Little reading champions

The departmental semi-final of the Little Reading Champions was held on February 7 in Puteaux, at the Palais de la Culture! 16 middle school children from 9 schools in the City participated, between joy and apprehension, after a selection by their teachers. They read freely chosen extracts which should not exceed 3 minutes. The tone, the articulation, the relationship of the candidate with the public who came in large numbers to support our little champions, were all criteria demanded by the members of the jury, made up of professors, publishing professionals, a representative of the ministry of Culture, or even members of the Putéo branch of the “Lire et faire lire” association – very active with school children – and a representative of the Cultura de La Défense brand who presented cultural products to all participants! Congratulations to Alma from La Rotonde school and Julie from Pyramide school who will represent the colors of Puteaux at the national final on March 27 at the Théâtre de Puteaux! Find the speech by Clémentine Beauvais, godmother of Les Petits Reading Champions 2023

News – 02/4/2024

Retromobile 2024

Undoubtedly attracted by the “Vis-à-Vis” car, this grand dame produced in Puteaux in 1902 by De Dion-Bouton, more than 4,000 curious people attended the stand of the Municipal Archives of the City at the Salon Rétromobile which took place held at Porte de Versailles from February 1 to 4

News – 01/25/2024

Top 92 in Puteaux

Puteaux is hosting the Hauts-de-Seine Olympic and Paralympic Tour this week. Discover a program punctuated by numerous activities in the City’s schools! Until January 26, schools and municipal sports schools are getting ready for the Olympic Games! For the occasion, they will pass the baton (or rather the Olympic vase) by organizing multiple sporting activities!

News – 01/9/2024

My street, my neighborhood… rue Felix Pyat

Located at the foot of the La Défense district, rue Félix Pyat was created in 1895 but was formerly called rue Charles Decroix until 1912, named after the former mayor of Puteaux. This street comes alive from the start of the day with the massive arrival of families and young Puteolians passing through the doors of their schools. Although located at the foot of the La Défense towers, rue Felix Pyat has many green corners which offer a calm and soothing environment. As we walk through it, we pass in front of the Bouvets college, brick-colored residential buildings but also businesses with modern architecture. Everything here is a symbol of duality: the towers and the vegetation, the crèche for the little ones. small ones and the college for the larger ones, the tall professional buildings and the low dwellings as well as the alley for pedestrians which contrasts with the street full of cars.

News – 01/9/2024

The City of Puteaux mobilized during the winter

Every winter, the city of Puteaux and the Yvelines – Hauts-de-Seine Interdepartmental Public Establishment, responsible for the viability of the departmental road network, work together on a daily basis to ensure optimal traffic conditions during the winter. In Puteaux, seven municipal agents, supported by the company Dérichebourg Environnement, are on call in winter 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to deal with emergencies. These teams, informed hour by hour of weather conditions by Météo France, can intervene in each sector of the city to clear snow from the main roads and pedestrian paths and those with steep slopes (rues de la République, Monge, de Brazza, etc.) steal salt spreaders, sweepers, backhoe loaders and other mechanized machines. If the communities ensure snow removal from public roads, remember that all Putéoliens, whether they are owners or tenants, are required to clear snow and salt the sidewalk around their accommodation. The City supports you in this task by providing bags of salt of 5 to 10 kg. To take advantage of this, simply download, print and complete the coupon found in your Puteaux Infos of December 2023 ( then give it to municipal agents on the day of your withdrawal, at the Cadre de vie depot, located 3 rue Volta. These bags will be collected from Monday to Friday, from 11:15 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. until March 9, 2024. However, public fountains must be closed to protect against frost, avoid any risk of ice and therefore fall.

News – 12/21/2023

Puteaux Academy: Mozart the Rock Opera

The Puteaux Académie put on a show! The 13 Academicians took to the stages of the JB Lully Conservatory during two exceptional performances this weekend which brought together more than 1000 spectators! It was a huge success since the JB Lully Conservatory was sold out for both performances. A great reward for the 13 academicians after 9 months of hard work and rehearsals! Alongside them, the 11 professors of the Conservatory were particularly moved and expressed their pride in the performance of their little protégés, some of whom were performing for the first time on stage. Between song, music and dance, the chords of Mozart Opéra Rock resounded throughout Puteaux in front of a captivated audience! Two shows which ended with a well-deserved standing ovation! Here is the first performance on December 2, 2023 as well as some memorable bonuses


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