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Following the fire, Technival in turmoil

On September 26, a fire ravaged the Technival special waste processing shed in Tipaerui. The company but also Polynesia had lost the only place that met standards which reconditioned chemical and even dangerous waste from local companies. Three weeks later, the origin of the disaster remains undetermined, the judicial investigation is still ongoing.

used oil, dSolvents, paint… Products reconditioned in Technival’s premises before exporting abroad. But lo and behold, on the evening of September 26, flames took away this only shed that fully complied with the territory’s special waste treatment standards. And, the 60 cubic meters of waste that were there.

The Technival company has not yet assessed its losses, but the reconstruction amounts to several hundred million Fcfp excluding operations.

©Polynesia The 1st / Heidi Yieng Kow

Our site was ICPE compliant [NDLR : installations classées pour la protection de l’environnement]so we no longer have an ICPE compliant site to carry out transfers and packaging. We stopped everything that was being done in this hangar (…) Today, we need a new place to start this activity again“, confirms Cyril Bachelery, general director of Technival.

“It’s problematic because we lost our working tool. This hangar allowed us to recondition all the other toxic and chemical waste, therefore waste that is dangerous for the environment and human health. This concerns waste that comes from professionals but also individuals.”

Karine Randriambao – Technival service chef

The Technival company has not yet assessed its losses, but the reconstruction amounts to several hundred million Fcfp excluding operations.

“It’s going to be 300 million Fcfp, I think, between deconstruction and reconstruction. This is the initial estimate, but today I don’t have all the information yet, we’re waiting for the quotes to present them to the ‘assurance, to my direction and move forward…”

Cyril Bachelery – CEO of Technival

More than 150 public and private companies are worried. Since the fire, the sectors maintained by Technival remain limited to automobile and solar batteries, lead and asbestos waste. We will also continue for a still uncertain period of construction materials containing asbestos or soiled with lead paintsays Karine Randriambao, This makes it possible to maintain employment and activity even if it is in degraded mode and even if it is part of Technival’s overall activity in terms of special waste.“. The challenge is environmental, to rebuild a new site up to standards. The company requested support from the Country.



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