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Referendum: the reasons for Ndemezo’o’s “YES”

In a political context marked by tensions and aspirations for change, the constitutional referendum which is looming on the horizon represents a crucial opportunity for Gabon. As an engaged citizen, politician René Ndemezo’o Obiang says he is convinced that voting YES is not only an act of support for democracy, but also an essential step towards a better future for our country.

Gabon has gone through tumultuous periods, and the absence of significant reforms has often been an obstacle to our development. The constitutional referendum proposes changes which could strengthen institutions and guarantee better representativeness. For René Ndemezo’o Obiang, by voting YES, we affirm our desire to see the emergence of a more inclusive political system, capable of meeting the expectations of the Gabonese.

« The legacy of patriotic figures like Mr. Vincent Essono Mengue, to whom I would like to pay tribute, reminds us of the importance of the fight for alternation and democracy » he declares. Vincent was a key player in the quest for a better Gabon, and his commitment should inspire us. By supporting this referendum, “ we honor his memory and that of all those who sacrificed for our freedom ».

For the native of Bitam, by voting YES, “ we are giving our country a chance to reinvent itself, to embrace change and to build a future where every Gabonese will feel represented and listened to. The time has come to make the choice of hope, progress and national solidarity ».



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