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Letter of the day: for the diversity of information

For the diversity of information

A position taken in favor of the “Tribune de Genève”.

Letters from readers

Published today at 6:15 p.m.

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Geneva, October 15

Concerned about the quality and diversity of information at the local and regional level, particularly following the recent announcement of the Tamedia group, the Roman Catholic, Christian Catholic and Protestant Churches of Geneva add their voices to those, numerous, who rose to express their solidarity with the employees of the titles affected by the announced restructuring.

In a society where disinformation flourishes, which harms the ability of citizens to obtain information in an objective and informed manner, it is essential to support the work of the media. The role played by the latter is in fact key and irreplaceable in relaying reliable information, reflecting the diversity of opinions and promoting democratic debate, missions to which our Churches are deeply attached.

Also, although fully aware of the challenges facing the media sector, it seems essential to us to safeguard a press equipped with the means to offer quality media coverage, including on a local and regional scale, like that offered by the “Tribune de Genève”, historic title of the canton.

In the service of the common good, the media deserve all our support.

Fabienne Gigon, representative of the bishop for the Roman Catholic Church of Geneva. Chantal Eberlé, president of the Protestant Church of Geneva. Jean Lanoy, priest of Catholic-Christian parishes in the canton of Geneva


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