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despite economic difficulties, the French more generous than last year

Despite a difficult economic context, the French were more generous than last year. The average donation amounts to 206 euros per year, or 15 euros more than last year, notes the Generosity Observatory.

For the first time since 2018, the French are more generous than the previous year. The Generosity Observatory* notes that the French have donated 206 euros on average this year, up 15 euros compared to 2023.

However, economic crises, political instabilities and inflation have had a strong impact on the daily lives of the French. One in two has difficulty making ends meet, and a quarter have had to call on solidarity over the last five years.

“Despite successive economic crises and a less stable political context, the French continue to demonstrate impressive generosity. The Observatory’s results demonstrate deep solidarity and a desire to contribute to a more united society” , declares Jérôme Daguet, CEO of Leetchi.

French people who give their time, and favor proximity

The reason for this momentum is twofold: the French who give more cite, 79%, a greater sensitivity to social causes, and 55% an increase in their resources.

Is inflation weighing on the generosity of the French?

But faced with the increase in fake jackpots and “generosity scams”, the need for transparency is increasing for the French. 61% of them mention doubts about the use made of their donations.

So to remedy this, the French favor proximity: 64% prefer to directly help people around them rather than contributing to large organizations, and half of French people choose to support local associations.

Another solution is to give your time. And it is mainly young people who give their time: 78% of those under 25 are committed to devoting time to those who need it.

A diversity of causes supported

In 2024, medical research remains the most supported cause, followed by animal protection, child protection and the fight against poverty. But like last year, the causes that interest the French were marked by the news.

On the Leetchi platform, more than 100 prize pools were created to help athletes preparing for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and more than 5 million euros were collected to help farmers, while the year was marked by crises in the agricultural world.

Prize pools linked to current topics were popular © Leetchi

*About the Observatory: created 7 years ago, the Observatory of Generosities was born from a desire to understand and support the manifestations of generosity of the French. Initiated by Leetchi, leader of the festive and solidarity online prize pool, and produced by the Odoxa institute, the observatory deciphers what motivates the French to donate money, time or material goods for solidarity causes. Survey carried out among a sample of 4,664 French people interviewed online from September 18 to 23, 2024.


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