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: CSR – Skipper Groupe wins the Logistics Strategies prize for sustainable innovation

Since 2015, the Logistics Strategies prize for sustainable innovation has highlighted logistics professionals who stand out for their initiatives in favor of sustainable development and CSR.

On the occasion of the 5th edition of this prize, Skipper Groupe, a committed logistician and inventor of slow logistics, was awarded the prize for sustainable innovation in the transport and transport service providers category on Thursday July 3 in , during the Eco Class Logistics trade show. logistics.

A prize rewarding support for brands towards more virtuous logistics

Logistics players must mobilize to face the enormous challenges in terms of environmental and societal impacts of the sector: artificialization of soils, energy-intensive transport, overpackaging, dehumanized jobs… An event that has become unavoidable in the landscape of sustainable innovation since its creation. created in 2015, the Logistics Strategies for Sustainable Innovation (SLID) prize celebrates excellence in the transport and logistics sector by highlighting initiatives and achievements that move in the direction of this more virtuous logistics. The awards ceremony took place Thursday, October 3, in Paris, as part of the Eco Class Logistics show.

The jury, made up of professionals from recognized companies in the world of logistics and supply chain (AFILOG, AUTF, DEMETER, SUPPLY CHAIN, LOGICITES and STRATEGIES LOGISTIQUE), met in September 2024 to nominate 3 nominees in each of the 6 existing categories. The criteria examined were the following: environmental interest, social or societal interest, economic interest, exemplarity or innovative character, and reproducibility.

For the “Transport and Logistics Providers Prize” for which Skipper Groupe was rewarded, the registration file recalls the context and the need to move the lines: “Despite obvious efforts to encourage modal shift, road represents 89% of the share of goods transported, for a fleet of trucks 98% dieselized. The electrification of the fleet, new energy sources and modal shift will undoubtedly not be sufficient to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. We also need a particular commitment from stakeholders in a sustainable development policy.”

As Valérie Macrez, general director of France Supply Chain, highlighted when presenting the prize to Fabien Jouvet, president of Skipper Groupe: “You dare to do, inspire, and you share the values ​​that we hold.”

A family business created in 1925, Skipper Groupe offers logistics outsourcing and transport management solutions. In the age of “everything fast” and promises of delivery in less than 24 hours, Skipper Groupe launched a new movement in 2020: slow logistics, a pioneering concept aiming to support brands towards more minimalist, more virtuous and more inspiring logistics.

« We are proud of this Logistics Strategies for Sustainable Innovation prize because it highlights our desire to move the boundaries of the profession and to dare to offer logistics imbued with common sense, more inventive, more minimalist and creating human connections. », explains Fabien Jouvet. “ We are able to demonstrate that slowing down flows and grouping orders is feasible but also that slow logistics allows companies to benefit both environmentally (52% CO2 less) and economically (62% less kilo costs)[1]. »

The reward for an initiative highlighting the urgency of slowing down

Slow logistics was born from an observation made by Skipper Groupe a few years ago: while responsible companies look at the origin of raw materials, sustainable manufacturing and environmentally friendly packaging, etc., they often forget the logistics downstream of this virtuous production. Skipper Groupe has therefore rethought its business to extend the commitment of these companies.

With slow logistics, Skipper Groupe makes a deliberately provocative promise: “ We achieve the incredible performance of delivering to our customers in 3 weeks ». Beyond massification, slow constitutes a global paradigm shift which invites us to rethink the entire supply chain in a more responsible mannerby putting people and the environment at the heart of the system. Slow logistics is structured around 4 pillars:

· Pack less and better. For example, by reducing the thickness of the spool, plastic waste goes from 208 g to 45 g per pallet. Using less packaging means producing less waste. As for the packaging offered, it is recyclable, compostable, returnable… and an internal person is entirely dedicated to researching and testing new packaging.

· Slow down flows and group orders, massing to reduce CO emissions by 52%2 on transport and 62% kilo costs. Grouping orders together to send them at once and optimizing loadings and routes may seem obvious and yet… with the injunction of “everything fast”, we are still far from this reflection. However, this allows us to pollute less and less congest our cities.

· Offer alternative, carbon-free transport, such as XTL, a biofuel that reduces carbon emissions by up to 90%. The idea is to look for carriers whose impact on the environment will be limited.

· Promote the development of teams: Skipper puts in place numerous measures to provide a framework where it is good to work. Proof of its commitment and concern for the well-being at work of its employees, the company is also Great Place To Work® certified for the 5th consecutive year and even Best Workplace.

« For us, thinking about logistics in a more reasoned manner is a matter of common sense, but it requires that several of us mobilize in this direction: logisticians, transporters, partner companies and consumers. We want to move the boundaries of our profession and invite our customers to rethink their own relationship with logistics. Far from offering ever faster deliveries, we seek to slow down flows and make them more massive. This is a huge challenge, which we can only tackle with committed partners and customers who want to experience the adventure with us… I dream of the day when my customer’s customer could say “yes, I’m ready to wait my package to be delivered in slow logistics mode. The road is still long, the path steep, but we are on the right track! », hopes Fabien Jouvet.

Skipper Groupe is very happy with this award which demonstrates the recognition by its peers of its approach and its continued research to put the environment and people at the heart of logistics thinking. “Proud and strong of this recognition, we will continue to speak loud and clear our desire to invent logistics that is more inspiring, more human, more virtuous. »concludes Fabien Jouvet.

About Skipper Group

Firmly anchored in Drôme and Ardèche, with offices in Paris and Atlanta (USA), Skipper Groupe is a family business created in 1925 offering logistics outsourcing and transport management solutions. Fabien Jouvet, current president, is the great-grandson of the company’s founder. Skipper Group is made up of 3 divisions: Skipper Logistics (logistics outsourcing, preparation of retail orders), Skipper Transit (Air – Sea – Road transport organization) and Skipper Technologies (publishing of logistics chain management software).

Skipper Groupe is the inventor of slow logistics, advocating logistics that is more inspiring, more virtuous and respectful of its environment. The company is certified Great Place To Work® for the 5th consecutive year and is even Best Workplace.

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