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After Macron’s comments on Israel, Gérard Larcher “stunned”, denounces “a lack of knowledge of history”

« It is first of all a misunderstanding of the history of the birth of the State of Israel (…) To doubt the existence of Israel touches for me on fundamental questions », Launched Gérard Larcher (LR) on Europe 1 and CNews, in reaction to Emmanuel Macron’s comments reported by participants in a Council of Ministers on Tuesday.

« Mr. Netanyahu must not forget that his country was created by a UN decision,” had launched Emmanuel Macron according to these sources, while the war in Gaza and Lebanon was being discussed, indirectly urging the Israeli Prime Minister not to “ free yourself from UN decisions ».

“I was stunned that these comments could be made”Gérard Larcher was indignant on Thursday. According to the Senate President, the birth of Israel “ did not come as a notarial act only noted by the UN ».

« Did Emmanuel Macron remember the Balfour declaration? Was he aware of what happened during the Holocaust and after the Holocaust? “, he got carried away, affirming that there was “ like a doubt » on the fact that Mr. Macron could question the legitimacy of the existence of the Jewish state. “ I don’t suspect him of anything, I say that Israel’s right to exist is neither debatable nor negotiable “, he added again.

The remarks attributed to the French head of state had provoked strong reactions even within his camp in the National Assembly, the group of deputies Together for the Republic.

The “decision” invoked by Emmanuel Macron is resolution 181 adopted in November 1947 by the United Nations General Assembly, providing for the partition of Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state.

Stung to the quick

The first, Israel, saw the light of day in 1948. This sharing plan, rejected by the Palestinians and the Arab countries, and the proclamation of the State of Israel, were the triggers for the Israeli-Arab war of 1948-1949. The second, the Palestinian state, has never yet existed.

Benjamin Netanyahu was visibly stung by these statements and made it known with a thunderous response. “ A reminder to the President of : it was not the UN resolution that established the State of Israel, but rather the victory achieved in the War of Independence with the blood of heroic fighters, many of whom were survivors of the Holocaust – notably from the regime in France »reacted the head of the Israeli government in a press release.

The president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif) Yonathan Arfi was moved on X, adopting the same line, the words of Mr. Macron who, “ if confirmed, are both a historical and political mistake ».

These new statements come as insists on a ceasefire in both Gaza and Lebanon. And denounces the Israeli strikes in both cases, as well as the Israeli fire deemed “deliberate” against positions of the peacekeepers of the UN peace force in southern Lebanon (UNIFIL), several of whom were injured.

The head of French diplomacy Jean-Noël Barrot took care to specify that the declarations of the head of state aimed to recall “the importance for Israel, as for all countries, of respecting the Charter of the United Nations, international law and international humanitarian law.



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