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25 years of Poland in NATO, what future?

What results for Poland after 25 years in NATO?

Patryk Słowik, journalist at Wirtualna Polska (Wirtualna Polska), began the discussion by asking panel members whether Poland has made good use of the last 25 years in NATO. The participants in the debate agreed from the outset that it cannot be said unequivocally that Poland used this time well.

The old deputy prime minister (Deputy Prime Minister) Janusz Steinhoff said that we used this period to the best of our ability, considering the Polish economic potential. He added that the Polish economy has never been so close to Western economies.

Photo : Economic Forum

Only Colonel Konrad Golota, head of the deputy prime minister’s office (head of the Deputy Prime Minister’s office) Krzysztof Gawkowski, declared that “ the army will be as strong as the economy “. According to him, the missed opportunities during this quarter of a century are visible, for example, in the modernization of our army, for which, apart from the construction of Rosomax (armored military vehicles), little has been done.

Between politicization and cyberattacks, what is Poland’s future in NATO?

Justyna Bokajło, speaker at theUniversity of Wrocław (University of Wrocław), said that, from a political point of view, Poland benefited from its membership in NATO and the EU (European Union) because, in order to join these organizations, Poland had to modernize. According to her, development has been stopped by the politicization of many issues, including those related to NATO. In his opinion, funds should be allocated to two important issues: human capital, that is, civil defense, which is at a very low level in Poland, and investments in the education of citizens; in order to combine the scientific system with military and technological questions.

Photo : Economic Forum

Konrad Gołota said that currently, in addition to the traditional army, cybersecurity also matters. “ Poland is the most cyber-attacked country in the EU » he declared. However, in this regard, he reminded that Polish cyber troops are currently recognized as one of the 5 best in the world and the best in Europe.

Another important topic was also raised by the participants in this panel. According to them, the absence of a defined state defense system would be Poland’s main disadvantage in combating new threats such as cyberattacks. Experts said that defining this system should be the basis for future thoughts on this topic.

To find this entire article, go to the website of our partner Economic Forum – Karpacz Economic Forum.


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