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Vast Space challenges NASA: private space station by 2028

From cryptocurrencies to stars: it sounds like the plot of a Martin Scorsese film, but it’s reality, and it’s called Vast space. Founded by a former crypto tycoon Jed McCalebthis aerospace startup (which I presented to you here) is about to meet its challenge: replacing the International Space Station.

With the project Havre-2Vast Space promises to take microgravity research and space tourism to a level never seen before. Who knows if in a sector dominated by giants like SpaceX e blue Origin (no, I didn’t include Boeing), can a newcomer really make a difference. Either way, it seems inevitable: let’s prepare for a new era of private-sector-led space exploration.

From digital wallet to space hatch

Imagine going from trading Bitcoin to building space stations. I’m afraid of heights, not Jed McCaleb. It’s like you woke up one day and decided to turn your garage into a mission control center.

Ambitious? Certainly. Because Vast Space does not offer a simple space capsule: no, gentlemen. Haven-2 is a true modular space station. Like a giant LEGO located in space, which will add two modules per year from 2028 to 2032. four years to complete a puzzle. Frustrating, right? Now imagine doing this in orbit. Impossible? Well, that remains to be seen.

The challenge of the giants: Vast Space, it’s David against Goliath… in space

Vast Space not only defies gravity, but also the giants of the aerospace industry. NASAthose already mentioned SpaceX, blue Origin… it’s as if a start-up born in the classic garage decided to challenge Apple, Google and Microsoft at the same time. What are you doing, looking up? Even SpaceX in 2002 was just an idea in Elon Musk’s head, and now he’s catching rockets in flight with two Japanese chopsticks.

These guys are serious. It’s as if all wise traders also come up with “noble” themes to drive their business. One of the main goals of Haven-2 is to provide a microgravity research laboratory. Imagine being able to conduct experiments that would be impossible on Earth: we could discover new materials, new drugs, or maybe just new ways to make our coffee float. And then, yes, of course, there is pleasure.

Space tourism: from the Maldives to Earth orbit

In 10 years, the most sought-after exotic vacation could take place in space. Vast Space opens the doors to this possibility: sure, it will probably cost more than an all-inclusive in the Caribbean and the time difference may be a little more intense, but the view will definitely be unbeatable.

Whether or not Vast Space succeeds in its bold attempt, I told you: if it’s not them, it’ll be someone else. The future of space exploration will be increasingly driven by the private sector: the new space race will take place mainly between visionary entrepreneurs (although the United States and China will have their say).

Are you ready to pack your bags for a space vacation? Just in case, don’t forget your passport… and a manual on how to move in zero gravity. Happy travels, explorers of the future.


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