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“A great solution, I love it!” : Flavie Flament excited by this plan B to reach orgasm, she lets go live

We learn something every day! In any case, this is what the author, performer and composer Marianne James proved, invited this Tuesday, October 15 on the set of Télématin on 2. Faced with stunned hosts, Marianne James has indeed made some revelationsbut not before giving everyone a little singing lesson. Because according to her, everyone can sing. “We’re going to do something very simple, just put your fingers like this” she explains, pressing her fingertips to the sides of her mouth.

And the whole set imitates it, and position their tongue well before making vocalizations. If the result is rather mixed for some, Flavie Flament’s vocal cords seem to please Marianne James. As for Julien Arnaud, the vocal coach still has some advice.
“I think you’re pushing too hard.” she emphasizes facing the grimacing face of her host. And Marianne James gives another demonstration which encourages Julien Arnaud to try the exercise again, this time descending into much more serious tones.

Marianne James makes orgasm revelations

But what really grabs the attention of the set is what comes next. After making a connection as funny as it is surprising between hair and singers, Marianne James tackles benefits of song. “I think it makes you happy. When you sing and the diaphragm is wide open, we know because it’s proven that the brain, which is a real drug dealer, sends four hormones: oxytocin, serotonin, endorphin and dopamine, the hormones of happiness”
she describes.

“As soon as you use your diaphragm, it’s equivalent to an orgasm.” continues Marianne James, whispering the end of the sentence. Information that immediately makes Flavie Flament react who wants everyone to benefit: “Stop! Oh definitely! But it’s a great solution, I love it”. Enough to motivate the most reluctant to sing along in order to flood their brains with these famous hormones of happiness.

Who is Flavie Flament in a relationship with?

“If you don’t have your darling in every sense of the word, sing!” concludes the artist… singing. A piece of advice that the presenter of Télématin so keep in touch even if things with her partner, of whom she recently spoke in C à vous, seem to be going very well…


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