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The urban explosion around the world

Data from the United Nations Population Division provides insight into the extent of global urbanization in recent decades. Africa and Asia – whose urban populations are already respectively larger than those of Europe, Latin America or North America – are the continents where the share of city dwellers has increased the most since the middle of the 20th century.

While in 1950 fewer than one in five Africans and Asians lived in cities, this figure rose to 45.4% and 53.4% ​​respectively in 2024. Latin America and the Caribbean also experienced strong urban growth during this period: the share of city dwellers almost doubled to reach more than 80%, a rate higher than that of Europe (75.8%). It is in North America that the share of the population living in cities is currently highest: 83.4%.

Across the globe, since 2010, the number of city dwellers has exceeded that of people living in rural areas. By 2024, it is estimated that more than 57% of the world’s population will live in cities. According to demographic projections, this figure could rise to more than 68% by 2050, mainly driven by continued urban development in Africa and Asia.

By Valentine Scabbard for Statista


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