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18 children poisoned by two clowns who threw cookies in the playground, what happened?

This is not the scenario of the next horror film that will be released for Halloween, but reality. Two people dressed as clowns went to the gates of a kindergarten and threw cookies to the students. A gesture seems ill-intentioned since eighteen children were poisoned. We explain in detail what happened this Friday October 11 in Basècles.

There are many urban legends surrounding Halloween. Razor blades in candy, poisoned sweets, so many stories that we like to tell around the fire to scare each other. But unfortunately, it seems that they inspired two people with bad intentions.

Two clowns throw cookies at children

It was an extraordinary event experienced by the inhabitants of Basècles, a small Belgian town, located about fifteen kilometers from the French border. The children of Saint-François nursery school enjoyed, as they do every day, a moment of relaxation in the playground, under the supervision of their teachers, it was at that moment that
two people dressed as clownsprobably women according to testimonies, approached the establishment.

A presence which obviously did not go unnoticed and which immediately attracted the students. The two clowns
then have threw cookies to the children type
“Nic Nac”delicacies well known to Belgians and northerners. The teachers immediately forbade the children from eating it, but 18 of them were quicker and gorged themselves.

photo credit: Shutterstock
Two clowns throw candy in a school playground.

18 children poisoned and 3 hospitalizations

Only half an hour passed between eating the biscuits and the first symptoms appearing. The staff immediately called emergency services, who sent two ambulances and a Smur to examine the children. victims of vomiting, stomach aches, fever and skin rash. Three of the eighteen children who ate the cookies even had to spend a short time in the hospital. For the others, the instructions were to monitor them for 24 hours and send them to the emergency room or to the doctor at the slightest symptom.

The journalists of 3 collected the words of Jason, father of little Laurie who the emergency doctors took to the hospital around 2:30 p.m. “I was called to tell me that the little one was going to be taken by ambulance. Last night,
she still had diarrheabut this morning it was better.”
The father, like all the victims’ relatives, is still completely incomprehensible.

photo credit: Shutterstock
Three hospitalizations and eighteen poisonings.

An investigation is underway

An investigation is now underway to try to find the two clowns that the teacher saw. “It’s pitiful to see that some try to attack children! They’re preschoolers.”declared the director. The mayor of the commune, for his part, tried to reassure the population. “The candies have gone for analysis. We will also examine the possibility of food poisoning or Covid, which is currently on the rise.”

photo credit: Shutterstock A police investigation and scientific analyzes are underway.

The police have also commissioned scientists to carry out analyzes on the biscuits to determine whether it was deliberate poisoning or a simple case of food poisoning. The children have all returned home today, but the mystery remains in this matter which a few days before Halloween should not reassure parents.


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