DayFR Euro

a day dead… alive!

HOSPITAL. The “Dead Health” day of this Monday, October 14, during which health professionals protested against the hospital reorganization project and the loss of beds in the hospital structures of and Langres, was, as expected, massively followed in the Langres district.

The high point was Langres. Some 215 people gathered in front of the Langres hospital center to speak and form a human chain around the hospital and clinic. A slogan, visible on numerous banners and signs, set the tone for the day: “Sacrificing Langres will not save Chaumont”; “The ARS (Editor’s note: Regional Health Agency) will make them leave, thank you ARS, the world is turned upside down”, or even “Hospital in trouble, patients in distress, angry liberals”.

Dr Véronique Midy, co-president of the Egalité Santé association, recalled the challenges of the day, as well as the upcoming event in Chaumont, Saturday October 19: “We need to question the project as it is. it is presented and in place.” As a reminder, this hospital reorganization project provides for the construction of two new establishments in Chaumont and Langres, largely estimated at a discount by the demonstrators and Egalité Santé which, for its part, would prefer the solution of a unified technical platform in Rolampont.

A very popular call in the South

Primarily aimed at health professionals and caregivers, the mobilization brought together 170 of them, coming from the entire Langres district. The call for “Dead Day” was widely followed in the south of the department. Medical offices, pharmacies, midwives or private nurses… From Fayl-Billot to Rolampont, via Prauthoy or Chalindrey, the blinds remained stubbornly closed (except in emergencies or requisitions). “The “dead health” movement was massively followed. Everything was closed or almost everything,” confirmed Dr Didier Soumaire, general practitioner in Chalindrey.

The La Compassion clinic, as planned, has also renounced any surgical procedure, except in an emergency. “Despite pressure from management…” slipped a member of the medical community, satisfied that the slogan had been respected. The next meeting is therefore set in Chaumont, Saturday October 19.

N. C.

[email protected]


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