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The Coop Effect Prize increased to $45,000

“It works so well when cooperatives do crowdfunding campaigns with La Ruche that we said to ourselves that we needed to put more money in and make this innovative way of financing cooperative projects known, and which is also a good way to liven up your community life and increase your notoriety,” says Evan Murray, administrator at CQCM and general director of the CDRQ.

Frédéric Auger, president and CEO of La Ruche, and Evan Murray, CEO of the CDRQ.

Since its establishment, the COOP Effect Prize has demonstrated its impact by generating more than $750,000 for more than 50 successful crowdfunding campaigns.

“These funds were collected directly from the population, who thus support cooperative projects in which they believe, clearly demonstrating that the cooperative model responds to a real need to build the wealth of the Quebec of tomorrow,” argues Frédéric Auger, president- general director of La Ruche.

To benefit from the prize, the project leader must carry out a crowdfunding campaign on the La Ruche platform, where the success rate is 90%. The amount given to him represents 10% of the objective, up to $2,000.

This initiative, which constitutes an important lever for bringing start-up, development or growth projects to fruition, is open to all cooperatives, regardless of their sector of activity, their size, or their location in Quebec.

The human support offered by the cooperative ecosystem allows project leaders to benefit from the tools and a context favorable to the success of their crowdfunding campaign.

To learn more about the COOP Effect Prize, visit


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