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Session of the Côte-d’Or Departmental Council this Monday, October 14

On Monday, October 14, at 9 a.m., a session of the Côte-d’Or Departmental Council will be held at the Hôtel du Département, in . Several important issues are on the agenda, affecting key areas such as the environment, the economy, education, and housing.

Focus on some major files:
1. Decision Modifying the 2024 Budget (DM2): Elected officials will decide on adjustments to the 2024 budget, making it possible to finalize the orientations and deal with unforeseen expenses.
2. Labeling of a new Sensitive Natural Space (ENS): The Falaises de Baulme-la-Roche site will be officially recognized as a Sensitive Natural Space, thus becoming the 15th ENS of the Côte-d’Or. This label aims to preserve the exceptional biodiversity of this area.
3. Renewal of the partnership with the Approved Prevention Group (GPA): This partnership supports business leaders in difficulty in the department, by offering them personalized support to preserve employment and the local economic fabric.
4. Report on water management: The Council will present an assessment of the actions carried out within the framework of the “Côte-d’Or Water 2050” plan. Priorities include securing water resources and improving their accessibility for all of Côte-d’Oriens.
5. 2025 budget for colleges: The vote on the budget dedicated to operating and equipment expenses for colleges will be discussed, with the aim of promoting the best learning conditions for young people in the department.
6. Housing and Housing Policy 2025-2030: The orientations of the new housing policy will be presented, with a clear objective: to facilitate access and maintenance of vulnerable populations in sustainable housing.
This session will be an opportunity for the Departmental Council to make essential decisions for the development of the territory and the improvement of the living environment of Côte-d’Oriens.

To follow live, it’s here or on the Côte-d’Or Department Facebook page


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